Will Riker's Crotchguard

Having watched the early-backer stream of the documentary, it’s not a spoiler to say that “DS9 should get some recognition” is kind of a vague framing device for the whole thing (although it has just as much oddball character and deviations as the show itself!)

If that’s your takeaway from my comment, you might want to read it again

Describing Blank Check kinda gives it short shrift really. That is the premise, but it’s wrapped in this wonderful context of three friends (including The Two Friends) having a near perfect comedic chemistry that is so natural and unforced. I love the detail they bring into their discussions and digressions, and how

If humanity needs to hear the grave warnings of climate change from a man in order to save the planet, fine.

Sisko and Kassidy Yates were a damn good romantic pairing, lots of chemistry and very subtly and carefully written.

Being from (near to) Belfast, I can confirm that there is literally no reason for anyone famous to be there unless (a) they live there or more likely (b) they’re filming something.

There’s something rather creepy about the fact that these so very closely resemble the look of those professional POV porn films (a friend told me).

You know LaForge and Worf, but not Sisko? He’s the main protagonist/lead of Deep Space Nine.

Counterpoint: Ben FUCKING Sisko

But does there? I mean, it sounded like what he did was a disgusting thing, but it also sounded like it was an event from his past. And in addition it didn’t seem to take place anywhere near a work context.

Sure...maybe? The problem, I guess, is that how do we know that hasn’t happened, or when it does? It seems like the kind of thing that would be best addressed between the parties involved in private, but then everyone on the internet isn’t satisfied until there’s a very public “flogging” involved. I’m kind of

So, this is the question that internet outrage has never really been able to answer - do we actually accept that it’s possible for people to change, to rehabilitate?

He’s so fucking good as Rorschach that I wish there were Watchmen prequels just so we could get even more of him.

I clicked on it because I hoped it might actually have some people answering the question posed in the title of the video, for fun, not because I believe they have the answers. And yet, disappointment.

I suppose I meant in terms of relative to other...relatives. Like Cersei and Jamie are twins so they’ve a pretty high inbreeding co-efficient (close to 100% or something) whereas Aunt-Nephew is something like 25%.

So....purely from the perspective of this fiction - they’re related, but it’s a pretty weak connection as far as genetic ties go...and they don’t have that sort of ‘grown up together’ incestuousness (that makes the completely un-genetically related pairing of Barry Allen and Iris West on The Flash kind of weird, for

I mean, that’s true in one sense, but on the other hand there’s Kay Burley.

Everyone on this vid saying they liked it seem to be referring nearly entirely to the tone and cattiness of it. Which, that’s exactly what Ed Droste was on about in his interview with O’Neal:

It’s only on Chrome though, no Firefox?

Yeah, I've seen a lot of recaps mention that, but I heard it as Rhaegar, so maybe it was an accent thing?