The Tick is good!
The Tick is good!
If you haven’t listened to his Podcast with David Sims and podcasts are your thing, it’s worth a listen. Don’t start at the beginning though. The first many episodes are obsessive deep dives into the Star Wars prequels done with the idea that no other Star Wars movies exist. Worth a listen if you find you like them…
He’s great on The Tick and his own podcast, Blank Check, is the best podcast. I’m listening to it right now!
If you’re concerned about the shortness of life, and who isn’t, I’d re-evaluate your time budgeting to include less internet commenting.
Hey, let’s be fair. We don’t know for sure if he read the article. That comment could easily come from someone who just read the header. (Or had someone read it to him.)
You have to admit, it was a bit much when you forced him to read the article.
ooooh noooooo am I oppressing you by talking about the finer points of a movie sorryyyyyyy
Don’t get too worried, with at least half a dozen big-budget superhero movies coming out per annum, you’re still going to get plenty of homogeneous good-guys-punch-bad-guys movies.
What joy and cheer? She’s an embodiment of every nerd trope presented for our amusement, and so far hasn’t demonstrated a single spark of character development. There was the inlking of something moving a couple of episodes ago but that was snuffed out completely.
There is no substance in this show.
Just an endless effort/race to impress the fans.
They never dared anything, they only borrow and sometimes abuse the history of ST.
There is no vision, just a patchwork of ST elements and bits and pieces from whatever they think is trendy TV these days.
It really surprises me there…
The more this season unfolds, the worse idea it seems to have made the silliest aspect of the first season (Michael’s super-improbable relationship with a franchise favorite character) the anchor of this one.
I’ve seen a lot of dumb TV in my time, but this really deserves some sort of award for combining ambitions of gravitas with mind-boggling stupidity.
I mean, alright, hanging the whole story on Spock because he’s so loved and iconic he’ll draw in the crowds is a well-worn fan-baiting Trek tactic, but to do so and then…
We did, confabulat - and we’re doing it again, because Zachary Quinto costs too much - I mean, because this is thematically a different type of Spock!
Every episode of this show feels like it moves at warp 9, but with a drunk Ensign Crusher at the helm. Except for the Beta Quadrant episode (which I had hoped would be a turning point) Disco never seems to give the audience a chance to relax and simply immerse themselves in Star Trek for a minute or two. The show is…
It also helps that he’s a black man playing a single father who has probably the healthiest and most believable relationship with his family out of anyone in the history of Star Trek. No “we’ll work out our issues playing American Gladiators”, no “I’d be happier if you were more like me except by the end of the…
I think Time Trumpet is the only thing he’s done that’s been SF-ish, but Time Trumpet was great.
He’s a zombie dragon. Who gives a shit about the logic of him being able to breathe fire?
I’m War On Kinja, and I’ll be streaming piss all over this website for the rest of the day.
I actually disagree. It went on too long, I guess, but I liked alot of how Sisko got his message across to the wormhole aliens and the whole; "you exist here" thing worked really well, in my book. I found it quite emotional.