Will Riker's Crotchguard

why would it?

Though, I agree that this final ep and the doc as a whole were stunning.

This could have done with a fourth episode as it suffered from that kind of speeding up of events that a lot of docs do. The brevity of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki pieces was the most disappointing thing, but perhaps they didn't have a whole lot of footage from that to use? I would have liked to see more, especially in

Just on that point, they didn't need to just be female directors or filmmakers with history of conflict moviemaking, but ones who were directly and deeply steeped in the work of The Five.

Isn't this a weird tack for Hannity to take, given how much of Spring Breaks bros and hos are Republican Youth?

I wouldn't waste the energy. Unfortunately as solid as the rest of the commentariat is on AVC, the CW shows seem to attract a lot of IGNers (I refer not to the OP here btw).

I wouldn't be surprised if the buildings were in on it too.

In actual new St Patrick's Day travesties (as opposed to the frequent ones that America commits), Boston is banning LGBT participants from their Paddys Day parade.

Yeah, English cunts for one…YEOOOOOOOOO *pushes over bin*

It happened in public, at some awards show. There's probably footage on YouTube.

I understand the faux naivete critique, it's the most common one of his work in the UK, but I don't see it myself. I don't see that he feigns ignorance in order to interview, I think that it's about believing in every subject as a human and trying to extract that no matter how deeply it is buried.

No, I'm pretty sure Cordon's British career is why Stewart originally pegged him as a waste of space.

If you're familiar with his British TV work, then the oppressive obsequiousness of his US TV career just makes you nauseous whenever he appears. If you're unfamiliar with that progression, then perhaps it might simply come off as endearingly nerdy or something (and hey, he's a chubby English guy, so I suppose a lot of

My favourite thing about Patrick Stewart that relates to this story is that he hates James Corden too.

I would have to disagree with how you interpret his work to be honest. I don't think he's ever assumed a mantle of 'unbiased observer' (perhaps the closest would be in the excellent Law and Disorder in Philadelphia film) nor even do I think that his docs purport to present such a thing. I also think he does more to

I think that's a really inaccurate summation by AA in the review. This film is no more about Louis himself than most of the other documentaries he makes - he's always a very present figure in all of them.

I think you could see in the doc that he never really wanted to leave, and was sort of regretfully dishing dirt because he was left with no other easy path in life to take. I never once bought that he was acting out of the interests of breaking the cult of Scientology.

Legends of Tomorrow (season 2 anyway) could basically be the same show with space travel instead of time travel really. They've had a few fun time-travel stories (George Lucas for example) but the core arc of what the Legion of Doom are up to (the Spear of Destiny stuff) could essentially take place all in the same

I'm way late to this thread, but I saw Clementine at a music festival in Ireland a couple of years ago. I went to see him off the back of a single track in a Spotify playlist for the festival. It was him and his grand piano facing off against a drummer raised up on a platform. He walked out barefoot, and proceeded to

That's true insofar as it applies if you have a strong awareness of the circumstances or indeed even just the individuals.