Will Riker's Crotchguard

So, regarding the lyrics to 'Keep Your Name'…(forewarned, the following is bollocks in the way only dissection of 'art' can be)

It's the "Fifth Element" effect.

You're being genuine? What a cuck (am I using it right?)

I came here to mention this. Yes, there is a real Trouble Brewing here in Ireland and it is an excellent craft brewery. So Walmart's crime is twofold!

Personally my hope is it ushers him quickly in the direction of an anxiety-induced Myocardial infarction. Either way, the US ends up with Pence I guess, but at least *the world* might be a bit safer in that case.

When I lived in the US and saw adverts for Ruth's Chris, I always thought it was the stupidest name for a restaurant that I'd ever heard. "Ruth's Chris" is how my ma would differentiate between two Chris' in a gossip conversation.

I won't watch this show, because I haven't like the other shows it is related to. But I came here to say - Eddie Olmos doesn't get enough work and it's a goddamned travesty.

Don't be that guy.

The best thing about all this is that he moved to US because everyone in the UK had finally had enough of his twattishness (even Jeremy Clarkson, who punched him several times at an awards show, as well as brilliantly "reportedly emptied a glass of water over Morgan during the last flight of Concorde"), has

It was filmed in Vancouver, so it could definitely be many thousands of TV shows, but I don't know if Community would be one of them

Pffft, stop with your facts.

The titular War was between Caesar and Kobo, hence it being "War for the Planet of the Apes". Humans aren't winning this thing.

Speaking of that…that bald guy who was the point of entry into David's memories for Syd seemed like a bit of an easter egg if nothing else.

In the show he doesn't even look like the person in the screenshots of him from the show. It's crazy!

It was definitely that

You know, I love the AVC for movie and TV opinions, and the commenters, but this thread and article reminds me how little I agree with people here musically.

"The awards body is honoring the late Prince almost a year after his death, and including an homage to the late George Michael, who died six months later, in December. "

Nah Trump wouldn't even know about Lost. I bet he has basically zero knowledge of pop culture.

Ugh didn't realize Cain backed Trump. The question I have - do actors become washed up because of their Republican views, or do they become Republicans because they got washed up in acting. It's hard to tell, but a lot of "jobbing" actors seem to end up that way - jobbing being when you don't say "hey it's that guy!",