Will Riker's Crotchguard

The thing I love most about this show is the same thing that made Lost so beautifully addictive - it's a show that can pull off baffling and radical twists and reinventions in completely thrilling ways. I will miss it when it's gone for that reason.

There's no way Donald Trump doesn't like a movie that features someone pissing on a rug.

I was a defender of this show up until I knew Negan was definitely becoming a thing, and basically stopped watching a few episodes before last season's finale.

Also probably something that Trump will masturbate to.

So that was Elizabeth Banks' voice saying "pee in that cup" right? So she's the stepmom of one of the Power Rangers maybe?


Irish Netflix has both seasons (and the movie). I'll leave it up to you as to whether you can find a service that'll allow you to switch regions (because I can't)

I've only read Before The Fall, but I thought it was superb.

He also writes a pretty good novel too.

Why was it confusing? The Supergirl episode wasn't really part of the crossover, so you could just ignore those last couple of minutes with Barry and Cisco. Supergirl was barely in the rest of the other parts of the actual crossover too, and she definitely didn't experience any kind of character arc or anything (she

Yeah, I mean I'm not a Lindelof defender or anything, but I adore The Leftovers, and I suspect that it's a much better fit for his writing style and tendencies than anything else he's done before.

Well, I suppose what people really want from The Leftovers is a close for the characters we've been following in the show. And, I'm going to possibly go out on my own here and say that Lost actually didn't really screw that up - its problem (imo) was that it presented itself for so long as a series about mystery boxes

Call off the search people, we found him!

Donald O'Brien…Donald 'n' Bannon….hmmmm

That's sure to be popular in the wake of the Trump victory.

So something about falsely positioned "healthy" or "responsible" fast food joints like Chipotle then?

The greatest thing about the original show was the Zords, and then one week they'd have a special guest Zord which would appear and help them form an even more Mega Zord. Memory is hazy but I remember some bulbous sea monster type Zord, asked the Green Ranger then White Ranger Zord.

The thing nobody really comments on either - the people of Westeros really don't have it all that bad, under the Lannisters. Like, they're not some all-powerful evil type like the Nazis or the Empire or whatever. We perceive them as basically evil because of their treatment of the Starks, but would the average person

I also love the books (and suspect this announcement was timed with the release of the latest one?) and really enjoy this show. It moderates the more exaggerated traits of Bosch and his coworkers. He's less of a dick to them, they're more generally competent, and even someone like Irving is sketched much more