Will Riker's Crotchguard

You need to consider the railroads, and the lack of vehicle roads in/the size of Blackwater, I believe.

There would be so little point considering they have RDR on Xbox One already

The possible map leak from a few months back suggested a prequel.

I agree very much with your concerns, but at the same time, I got a kick out of the fact that Sara has become the Captain Kirk of the team, essentially. I suppose its all about the context, and I think this episode had a context of everyone exaggerating their character traits a little bit. In Sara's case - ballsy,

Yeah I know, but it doesn't matter which you take your test in in California, its the same test.

Having done both UK and Californian driving tests, there's no way I would rate the Californian difficult as high as '5', it's more of a '3'.

It's actually *to* Supergirl, sorry to spoil your ejaculate fun!

I kind of understand it myself, as using it would suggest an in-universe continuity connection to the old films that might end up confusing audiences.

Also a great episode of Red Dwarf

*Reads tattoo on left nipple*

Yahoo did acquire Flickr, which is still heavily used by lots of people, and forced it to use Yahoo IDs to login. They also bought Tumblr, so maybe did the same thing there?

Didn't Batman Begins already do that?

Well, cameraphone tech is ever nearing DSLR standards, but only those of the past, because DSLR tech is also improving and evolving.

I'm pretty sure commenters who say "staff member X is awful" are the worst thing to happen to this site.

It sounds a bit like the old British sitcom Open All Hours in setup

Goddamn it why must AVC use some weird non-Disqus Disqus account thing.

I'll eat my cat (don't have a hat) if Season 7's equivalent of the Ninth Episode Spectacular, or the S7 finale doesn't involve the Horn of Winter, or the show equivalent.


Oh, and technically we *all* watched Hannibal season 2 having already seen the finale.