Will Riker's Crotchguard

So if you look at this trailer, and in the episode of Arrow where they re-embiggen him, they've gone for the choice of having very minimal effects on the 'sizing' superpower, in that he kinda just appears out of nowhere. Edgar Wright's test footage for Ant Man showed how you could potentially do a shrinking

I'll be very interested to see whether they might be able to say 'actually Vandal killed/prevented Batman and Superman' without tip-toeing around the names. I never thought Supergirl would be able to reference Superman as directly as it has.

Too bad too, because it's immediately incredibly relevant again.

I'm hoping this was just their one breather episode to attempt to give the Alexandrian's some personality, and they'll be back to the streak of great episodes next week. IMO, Gimpel's tenure has built up enough cachet (up the yin-yang) to have the occasional flop like this and not take it as representative of how the

Pedantic Point: the heart monitor didn't go critical, the BPM just increased slightly when she inserted the needle, presumably a normal body reaction to physical trauma, even when unconscious.

The ISIS connection came for me pretty quickly in the first episode (black flag with white symbol on top, jihadi symbolism with the recorded executions, etc.), plus it fit exceptionally well with the recent tide of Syrian refugees into the EU* - there have been a lot of scumbag tabloids predicting that the refugees

My favourite thing there was that she took that tumble right after attempting some Roykour

No, please don't ignore it. For all the faults of Into Darkness, Star Trek (2009) was a good film, and did absolutely everyone involved with the show a favour by rewriting decades of canon, and freeing future versions of the franchise up to be completely different in character from the stodgy and bland Next

Wasn't the "silent drive" also preceded by them driving in the car singing along to loud music with each other (in a very happy way)? It struck me at the time how incongruous those two moments were - now it makes me think - did something happen in the cut between those moments that made them so deathly silent? Is it

Same here, actually as soon as they fell the way they fell, I thought "okay he's going to survive here because they'll eat Nicholas first", though they sure went the full distance with the music and all to make it seem real.

Actually, did anyone see both the leaked pilot and the aired one? Curious to know if they changed anything in the months since (which happened with The Flash pilot)

I was vaguely about to buy that he could freeze lasers, but then he smashed the frozen lasers and they weren't replaced by new lasers and it broke even my strong suspension of disbelief.

This is kind of unrelated to this particular review, but the recent editorial decision to start leaving out the show titles from the headlines of stories is really confusing when you're subscribed to AVC's RSS feed. It's always nice to know which show you're talking about!

Not to mention that he introduced the word "dude" to olden times.

Because he can let the Daleks find it for him, and then defeat them again as he always has?

The Sontarans and the Silurians that 12 met weren't villains though.

That said, in this case it's probably legit.

It should be noted that just because this has appeared on the BBC's *news* site doesn't mean that it's properly legitimate, as they will report on rumour and speculation just as anyone else will. Hence the bizarre situation of BBC News reporting on something that BBC One will not confirm.

Except he voices Arkham trilogy Batman, who very definitely kills people or leaves them in vegetative state.

I'm feeling left out.