Will Riker's Crotchguard

Look, I think at some point we need to draw a line in the sand between "The Walking Dead" as run by Darabont and Mazarra, and the seasons run by Gimple, because to be honest I think it's a completely different show for all intents and purposes now. A rare smart network decision?

"it sounds like—at least for a moment—someone at FX suggested turning ISIS into the bad guys"
I think you read that bit wrong - someone suggested *selling* the merchandise to ISIS

He also did an episode of 8 out of 10 cats does Countdown recently. Seems like a really nice guy, I'm wondering how he's going to fit in on The Daily Show.

Presumably this one wins simply by virtue of not featuring Rolf Harris?

I always had him down as a Scot actually (perhaps a Scotty effect given they're both 'engineers' of a sort).

It is an incredibly good book. I wouldn't have pegged Matt Damon as the lead (too un-nerdy) but he's a likeable actor so I will accept him. I wonder who they're for Mara for? I'm suspecting the female character whose name I can't recall that finds him alive through satellite photos?

He's not just mentioned but actually *shown* in the series finale's flashbacks. Of course he's asleep for most of them.

You're certainly not alone with disliking the shaky cam sequences, but I absolutely love the latter two films in the trilogy, and Film Crit Hulk has a wonderful essay about action film that contains a section explaining why others can adore the shaky cam bits: http://filmcrithulk.wordpre…

They could still do Martian Manhunter with him..

Anybody else feel like that about Community too?

Yeah, it was telegraphed fully, but the actual slapstick I thought was great - quick cut to someone getting hit in the face and already falling over heavily is always funny to me. It's a step down from "man hit in groin by football" but still up there.

I really enjoyed it because it was perfectly directed slapstick. But then I still really enjoy the Strax/Vastra/Jenny shtick even though it apparently seems to be boring the shite out of everyone else here.

I wish more people could read this exchange.

I can't tell whether its because of his mother, or because of his mixed heritage, but even though he grew up in the south, he has a distinctly Northern Irish accent. I mention this because there were moments that he was playing with intensity in X-men First Class that I very much detected his accent seeping through.


There are three moments in this miniseries that convinced me I was onboard with this show, and that it was unlike anything I had seen before. They are:

I was all set to point out that it'd be SO much better if the UK Now 51 was somehow #2 in sales:

It's called "The Bus that couldn't slow down"-ic


Also: Peter fucking Stormare. He's going to class this thing up big time