Will Riker's Crotchguard

"Star" City you say? That can't be an accident

I don't think I said I didn't understand the hatred?

Okay, it appears you're having enough fun arguing with yourself, I don't need to be involved anymore :)

Why do you believe that? I hate to use this cliche, but if someone broke into your house and was going to kill you, what would you do?

Okay, but I'm not going to debate with what you think you're reading, because it's not what I said, and not what I meant.

No, my point wasn't that Superman should kill when it's necessary, it's that Man of Steel was the story of him discovering that (that isn't the only character arc present, but one of them). At the beginning of the arc, you could consider him a Jack Bauer type, but by the end, he's Superman. You can argue that it isn't

"that most people don't need to be 33 before they realize killing is wrong"

You could fanwank it away as being thicker over some of the weaker parts of the skull. Getting your brows broken would probably be a relatively painful experience.

Yeah, I actually love this as an image.

No, no, I wasn't really after 16:9, that's unpossible given it's an animated show, and they probably didn't animate outside the frame (though who knows I suppose). It'd be some extra resolution that might be nice, but that would probably require them to 'refilm' the animated frames?

So I presume the video quality of these will just be the same as the DVDs? The trailer is full of glorious 16:9 lies.

Hopefully they can figure it out. Netflix should at least be able to offer this, given they already have alternate audio options for languages.

So, is it accurate to say that the director's (DVD) commentaries won't be a part of this? Because they're sometimes fantastically funny, and commentary tracks are something that streaming services haven't really gotten around to handling yet. I think Netflix has it for House of Cards, but like, I want to see Dark City

Lying? I mean I can go along with the sack of shit, but lying?

Not really, though he does get date-raped in an episode by a lady.

AVC won't ever cover it, but anyone else want to talk about Da Vinci's Demons? I've really enjoyed it, season 2 was a lot of fun. Mostly very forgettable, but entertaining.

The Flashpoint Paradox is superb imo, one of the best DCAU movies. There are a *lot* of random cameos though.

Looks like that was a three way between BBC Two (I think the individual channels operate essentially as separate production companies), Sundance, and the Australian channel which co-incidentally is owned by BBC Worldwide, the commercial wing of the BBC. Then BBC Worldwide were the ones to release the DVD worldwide.

So, what they actually have is an original production quota which must be met. This is generally around 70% per channel:

You're probably right, but there is one additional factor that I didn't mention, which is that BBC (UK) are limited in the amount of foreign imports they can show.