Will Riker's Crotchguard

HAHA, root.

Hancock perhaps?

If William Devane is President, does this mean that this is a backdoor Stargate sequel too?

We both watched the same thing and came away with differing opinions on it. This is not a newly invented concept.

Nevermind, it was actually all of Season 7. But still, once Niles gets rejected he very clearly backs off.

It was usually played as Daphne being completely oblivious to Niles affections, but they were never forceful or even explicit in anyway that I can remember. There were the odd episodes where they were obviously equally infatuated with each other, of course. Specifically an episode like "A Mid-Winter Night's Dream". It

It was usually played as Daphne being completely oblivious to Niles affections, but they were never forceful or even explicit in anyway that I can remember. There were the odd episodes where they were obviously equally infatuated with each other, of course. Specifically an episode like "A Mid-Winter Night's Dream". It

Well here's the thing really. I suspect I share a lot of life experiences with the writers of these sorts of Full Boyle characters, because I definitely went Full Boyle a couple of times in my life. But what I remember of it is absolutely **not** that I believed in any way that the female part of the broken equation

This is an excellent piece, but:

Normally I'd be with you on anti-product placement, but this was far less egregious than the other episode where Bobby decided to live in a Target store. Or maybe that's because I very much identify with someone who decorates their home with useless crap from Target.

Scopes and powerups and silencers and stuff. Like a Smart Pistol enhancement that speeds up targeting (but thereby makes the targeting field of view a bit smaller).

So I agree with what you said, but at the same time, the world that Titanfall paints (in really broad strokes) actually looks really interesting. I'm hopeful that when this game becomes a success, we might see Respawn try to capitalise on the IP by making a diverse range of games set in the same universe, instead of

Actually, what you ask about here is what I'm very impressed with about Titanfall. When people talk about it being incredibly well balanced, that is key. If you aren't great at twitch shooters, you will love it for the smart pistol, killing grunts, hacking Spectres, and the ability to run away from enemy pilots really

Alright, come on, I can't be the only one utterly baffled by the trial in this. I mean, normally I'm willing to overlook bad courtroom details because TV frequently gets it totally wrong, but for some reason Hannibal doing it really took me out of the episode. Like, why was this a trial without a jury? Who were the

I bet Adam Sandler would like to play his own love interest. While writing this, I genuinely couldn't work out whether this has actually been the plot of a Sandler film.

"Alison Brie will play the fiancée who also inspires Ferrell to get hard"

"Stiff Little Fingers are Protestants from Great Britain (Northern Ireland)"

Bosch will be really interesting in this regard, because if it's as good as the pilot, most of the book series fanbase will end up self-promoting it, in lieu of Amazon. Also Mr Titus seems very keen on promoting the shit out of it on Twitter.

<avclub>That hot, sexy, naked role</avclub>