Will Riker's Crotchguard

They might still have an Eleanor Wish to cast for Bosch. I could see Natalie Zea in that role.

Ultimate revenge? Making a movie sequel to the series that breaks all box-office records.

"One is to be the visually stunning ecological wake-up call to which all
nature documentaries necessarily default. The other is to find a new
spin on presenting the overwhelming scope of nature."

""Things are about to explode." and this episode did what any good story would do and it makes good on that promise."

You've highlighted some of my favourites, but there was also this amazing tracking shot that panned from bow to stern of the Amazo, all the while showing this rather large uprising taking place. I was stunned, its the sort of shot you rarely even see in cable TV, let alone network.

"Roslin sharing her plans for the house she wants to build up in the mountains"
This, together with the repeated moment of Adama putting the ring on Roslin's finger after she has died in visions in "The Hub", are what kill me even just thinking about the finale. I can't abide anyone who doesn't like that episode,

Oh and forgot there are shades of Brave New World there too, with how some of the population are treated.

Yeah, it's actually an excellent book and I'm eagerly looking forward to the second. It's got that same propulsive action nature of a Jack Reacher book with really well sketched out characters. Plot isn't exactly unpredictable, but I think that's okay when it tells it in an interesting way. I think it could easily

That top photo really looks like Brian Blessed in a turban. Which, now, I really want to hear Brian Blessed's thoughts on this whole thing.

I have to disagree a lot with the first SimCity comment. I'm a long time player of SimCities, I wasted most of my early teenage years playing SC2000 instead of interacting with real-life human beings (something I wish I could do more of now). I thought SimCity 3000 was pretty great too, although I mostly passed over

The first part (finding the content you want) is generally *a lot* quicker than a controller, but usually once you've done so, its easier to get the controller to pick out the app you want to use to watch it, but I would say the time and effort saved in part 1 completely outweighs the rest. By the same measure, its

"Looking over the menu of options in the Netflix app, I can’t simply zero in on my pick and say, “Xbox, play Arrested Development.” "

Yeah, it was a nice little antidote to CGI-heavy action epics of today, more like an early 90s thriller with lots of practical effects and a decent mystery (if you hadn't already read the book). The car chase was a lot of fun (more so because it was filled with in-world mistakes) and the sniper bit at the start was

I've spent 19 hours trying to figure out whether you meant:

What strikes me as most devastatingly, terrifyingly plausible about this episode is the moment where Bing can't escape the advertising even by closing his eyes or covering his ears. Shudder.