
Things must be different depending where you (or anyone) lives,because that sounds crazy. I live in a pretty low key area but it’s got plenty of places to get food. If I called a place directly for take out and they told me to order on their website they would probably be losing my business. Not for any high and

Maybe the lady froze up, but it might have helped a lot of she took the helmet off sooner. 

Yeah when I read the story all I’m thinking is damn do people have way too much free time. “I demand the right to be able to use my simp emote on Twitch!". 

Overwatch put the nail in their own coffin when they started telling everyone how to play. A game I payed money for is limiting who plays which roles. Nothing like signing on and seeing a 10min wait time to play the assault class. They have to bait people in every so often by giving them a free loot box to play

I think your strike plan is great but games just don’t have the workforce needed to moderate potentially millions of players. I’m sure they can’t ban people without reviewing on a case to case basis. Another commenter mentioned you need an AI that’s always listening to in game chat that knows what trash you might be

Walmart websites shows it in stock. Says delivery April 23rd for me right now. 

Thank you for everything Jason! 

I know she did create it, but with 27 million views she sure helped spread it. 

I can say I didn’t know where “ok boomer” originated until now. Seeing that it took off from some boobie streaming anime sounding bullshit though....... ugh whatever. I expected something better I guess. 

Not sure. But yeah, in my opinion that stripe looks out of place on the Supra. Do not like.

All the lock downs going on right now are pointless unless EVERYONE in the U.S. is doing it. Most businesses in my area(Pennsylvania) had to shut down about two weeks ago. But it was only YESTERDAY that Governor Wolf issued a state wide stay home/shelter in place order. Imagine if every state did this 2 weeks ago?

Thinking about it, the larger screen could be the reason. I think because you can’t freely look around (like up and down) while aiming it feels like I'm just zooming down tunnels while playing the old Doom. 

I grew up playing Doom. I’m in my early 30's now and I don’t know what changed, but I get horrible motion sickness within 5 minutes of playing old first person shooters like Doom and Wolfenstein. I can play any modern shooter no problem. Just tried Doom 64 and now I feel horrible. 

For people like me, the decision is easy. I'm not going to walk away from my library of 200+ digital games that are tied to my account.  Sticking to Playstation. 

With 4k streaming and gaming becoming more popular they will have to raise the caps at some point. Anybody know what the average cap is in the US? Years ago I remember Comcast being 250GB per month. Which today, that’s like downloading Modern Warfare twice.

I’m putting my vote in for FFVII Remake also.  At least make them change the name Jason!  

Over the last 2 months I slowed down playing Modern Warfare. Was only playing about once a week. I deleted the game though because of their frequent gigantic updates. Everytime I went to play Apex or Rocket League my PS4 Pro would be chugging. Everytime I looked Modern Warfare was downloading/copying. I swear it was

$10 is high but Apex Legends still charges $10-20 per skin. If only people would stop buying them...

Not sure how I feel about it for others, but this definitely wouldn’t work for me. I would rather talk to the child’s gravestone than a computer program.

I live in neighborhood with busy main roads all around us. We had a group of stray cats move in and the township said they would spay/neteur them for free if we caught them. I set one of those metal cage traps out all day and didn’t get them. 2 nights in a row I didn’t get them but got others.... One night I got a