
All well and fun... until a skunk moves in. 

I enjoyed this Mike, thank you! If it's not too personal to ask, are you wheelchair bound for life or through therapy is there hope you'll be back on your feet? 

Regardless of length, I think it's ridiculous they aren't denoting on the box art that this isn't the full Final Fantasy VII game. 

Agree so hard. 

Maybe this explains why I keep getting Legendary skins every time I turn on Overwatch. Lately I’ve only been playing Overwatch when a seasonal event pops up. I opened the free loot box at Halloween and got a gold skin. Didn’t play again until Christmas time. Opened that free box and I got 2 gold skins! Felt like I

I think one of the worst parts about game devs crunching their butts off, maybe even ruining their family life, is that most of their hard work goes unnoticed by a majority of gamers. When we play a game we expect it to work, be fun, be good. But what it takes to make it that way is never seen. 

Coming to the next Fast and Furious movie.

That sounds good, I’m just hoping they don't clog up the game with repetitive filler. I'm still not thrilled with how they are releasing the game. They aren't being real open with how many parts there are going to be. 

Sounds good too me. My backlog is too big. I'm trying to put a dent in it. 

More people, now than ever play video games. Having a huge event to show off games just isn’t necessary anymore. Millions of gamers with an internet connection is all that's needed. 

I’ve always been a big BF fan but I fell off V pretty fast. I quit about a month after their battle royale mode came out. While I think the game looks great, i didn't find the maps that great. Mix that with the ttk issues, I have no desire to return. 

I’ve had many strange nights with this game. A mix of frustration but sometimes fun. Some games I’m a beast getting kills left and right. Other nights I’m instantly killed entering a room or turning a corner. Or just always being on the losing end of an encounter. I see a lot of people complaining about SBMM (skill

Boring shoes. I could take a white pair of shoes and super glue a Pikachu sticker to the side of it. 

The trailer reminded me of the beginning of The Lego Movie. Guy wakes up everyday, goes to the same job, does the same thing, etc... 

I don’t know what I just watched........... but I think i want to brush my teeth now.

That would be like blaming IGN for Filip Miucin plagiarizing videogame reviews. Sony told no one to copy and paste work. At most Sony could address what happened and tell everyone the person was fired. 

In my case I already own a Playstation VR, and my pc would definitely need an upgrade to support this new Half-Life game. Just doesn’t make sense for me to invest so much money for this one game. And since I haven’t kept up with much VR news lately, i was pretty shocked when I clicked on the vr hardware for sale on S

Definitely doesn’t seem like something you would want in a house with a family (without a beefy connection). It’s very common in my house now to have 2-3 people streaming video while I’m gaming.

I’m excited for reviews and impressions at release. I was in the beta they did with Assassins Creed and it ran very smooth. I only played it for 4 hours but I really didn’t have any issues and it was great just opening up Chrome and start playing.

Anybody else absolutely despise the state of YouTube comments right now? This Sonic trailer is especially bad with the “then: and now: or the Me: and Them:” comments. Seems like the last 1-2 years that's all YouTube comments are anymore. Curious how it caught on, did I miss something?