
It’s an Android gaming handheld. You can use it to play all your Android games.

Anyone who isn’t finding value in the gamepass is bonkers-crazy-pants or has already spent their money on every game to come out each month. As someone on a tight budget, there is at least one game announced each month that pays for the whole subscription. I can understand un-subbing because you just don’t have the

I keep hearing these takes, and I just don’t get it. Thieves stole shit that wasn’t theirs. When the cops tried to apprehend them so they could be held accountable for their crime, rather than comply with lawful orders, they did some dumb shit that got them shot at. A moving vehicle is 100% a deadly weapon if used in

You can’t really compare the two. The 70s were mostly scenery for That 70s Show. Love or hate the show, you have to admit it focused on it’s characters for the humor.

Money laundering. Tax fraud. Disguising criminal transactions as legitimate.

That’s why this is the one scam I wouldn’t feel bad about. The victims are literally begging to be ripped off. Unfortunately a lifetime spent not scamming people has left me unprepared to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Not that I really tried very hard but when I first looked in to the idea of selling NFTs to get my name out there as a wildlife photographer I attempted to sell 2. Each with the added stipulation that they would also include a signed framed print. So if I ever made it anywhere the owner would have something of proper

If it’s already registered with the Coast Guard, I’m assuming that it meets all CG requirements for a vessel of it’s type.

I think you do get my position, you just want to fight me over it. Have fun with that.

That just exposes you to having to pay space tax though.

I don’t think it makes sense to look at this thing’s features, we need to actually look at how it is being used. Is it constantly docked, and somebody lives in there? It’s a house. Does it move around a lot and is only docked temporarily, and nobody lives in there when it’s docked? It’s a boat.

> So the Government can burn that money under the auspice of “Common Good”, and yet that money also helped pay for Pfizer to run commercials during the NCAA tourney and sponsor the freakin’ Oscars?

Membership for living in this country requires everyone to pay an amount to keep a certain standard of living. Do you like roads? Living in an area of the country where there are too many dirt roads, I can tell you that is not a solution, and even then they need upkeep.

The casino boat I worked at briefly in college had to fire up the engines and move once per year to remain legally a boat. While this was a river boat and in a different state, it was still a boat who’s entire existing was a legal loophole. 

In all honesty, why?

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

Sounds good to me.

Those Jimmy John’s commercials are pretty funny and they always make me want to go to my local deli for a far superior, fresh sandwich at a still reasonable cost.

something about that that just looks like a sad sandwich.