That’s how he seduced all the young women in his office. Gotta talk like the kids to get them in bed.
That’s how he seduced all the young women in his office. Gotta talk like the kids to get them in bed.
It’s about the warranty. By limiting the range, the batteries will last longer.
Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?
So the moral here, is to sell avocado toast, and be way ahead of the game.
This. All Day. ChickenMcBooty gets it.
It does spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
Seriously? Three Leatherman tools? You could easily drop two of those. I mean if you are going to carry around a multitool “just in case,” you for sure don’t need three.
Also a $60 knife and $5 pair of calipers? For an “engineer’s” bag the priorities on this set up are WAY off. Get yourself a $5 utility knife and a…
Give me a break with this shit. What a ridiculous amount of crap to carry. People in real life don’t do this. If you say you do, you’re a sucker of the 1st degree.
No Zebra 5mm pen?
I could’ve sworn some supercharged vehicle has done this already before. Or maybe it was a prototype. A Ford of some sort? Off to Google I go!
Yeah, that’s not really how Ohm’s Law works, though. The formula is E=IR (or I=(E/R) or R=(E/I)). Using I=(E/R), or current equaling voltage divided by resistance, and assuming the total resistance (impedance actually, since we’re talking about an inductive motor, but it’s kind of semantic for this discussion) remains…
What you say about currents and voltages is untrue. A 12v wound starter would indeed draw half the current of a 6v wound starter of the same capacity (power). However, putting 12v on a 6v starter doubles the current (in your example to 140A). Refer to Ohm’s law: R=U/I, starter motor resistance is 6/70 which is 0,086…
Because disbelief has been expressed about the utility of these “hipster commuter jeans”. I, an internet commenter, and credible source, shall now provide proof that these jeans can be worn while engaging in activity. (These are jeans for people to ride bikes to and from work in, so that’s their key value proposition.)
Because disbelief has been expressed about the utility of these “hipster commuter jeans”. I, an internet commenter,…
$98 for a pair of jeans.. Dafuq is wrong with you people..
$98 for a pair of jeans.. Dafuq is wrong with you people..
I couldn’t give half a shit about the bonito “hack” given that this is the first I’m hearing of cured egg yolks and I so need to try one...
If a pun can be mistaken for an error, it’s not a very good pun.
While unions had their place back in the day, I think it has been proven very well by Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes, BMW and VW at their American plants that you can pay a living wage, benefits and bonuses without the burdensome overhead of a union. Maybe Musk should do a COLA adjustment, but otherwise I don’t think a…
Tesla Will Fix German Hero’s Car Free Of Charge
Don’t eat snow, people: