
Is that the meijer by Briarwood? It’s crazy to know one of your adventures happened so close.

-Have you used garlic salt instead of normal salt on a tomato sandwich? Game changer.

So the moral here, is to sell avocado toast, and be way ahead of the game.

a straw.

I second everything you just wrote. This bag is contrived garbage.

Agreed. Also pencils are for making mistakes. (I say this while the only thing on my desk is a pencil because i lost all my pens). I’m slowly transitioning from an engineering notebook to using my phone for everything anyway though.

you mean you dont carry 3 multitools and a crescent wrench with you at all times??

Thanks, just used this to scare the cat off the desk.

Also, watching a video at work of a man with his shirt of is a bit less accepted than reading. I only mention because the goal here was to do these at work. I really want to do some desk stretches, but I am not about to watch this video at my desk.

Bonus trick: flip that bottle the other way around so the spout is at the top, and it won’t “glug” due to air bubbles, and it will be a more predictable pour.

probably the pressure change as they came up did a fair amount of damage.

Now playing

I leave this here with no further comment.

“you should not launch feet-first, because unlike a butt or belly, your legs and feet will not properly absorb the impact when flesh meets table...” Quit watching so many cartoons. Absorbing impacts are exactly what legs and feet do best, you just have to bend them a bit. Landing from that height on a butt or belly

TL;DR, but one of your images had winamp in it, and I can’t stop the nostalgia. Oh memories of custom skins and bad mp3 metadata. I miss those simpler times.

The Porsche review reminded me of all consumer reports reviews I have ever seen.

This opens up a market for Nascar style windshields tearoffs you could use to just remove if you get a barnacle stuck to it.

yup. I think the accountants started to get to the engineers.

And it all makes sense now.....