
I absolutely agree, I just didn’t want to be seen as elitist. People get sensitive when you call their bike pieces of shit. But yes, that schwinn probably weighs 40lbs and comes with a shitty drive train. Looking at the thing on amazon, its a folding bike with 20" wheels. It’s obviously going to be a piece of shit.

just a side note, If you actually plan on riding for any length of time, the seat you have recommended is terrible. It is far too squishy and will cut of circulation to various parts that need it. Here is an old lifehacker article that explains it.…

“transmission / distribution network is not very efficient” What? Where are they getting this information that transmission lines aren’t very efficient? I would say 95% is pretty damned good. That on top of the efficiency of a power plant which is well above that of an ICE, will probably still beat this thing on

Some did.... No major manufacturers still put chains with bushings on them on bikes.

There are no bushings in a bike chain.....

This leaves out the last and most important step. WIPE OFF EXCESS CHAIN LUBE! You only need the lubrication inside the rollers. If you don’t wipe off the outside of the chain, it will just pick up dirt and grit quickly, and be even dirtier in short order. Also, you should use a quick link if you are taking the chain

I always go by the price per ounce, regardless of brand. Most grocery stores will tell you the price per ounce of a given item on the tag on the shelf. I have found that this is the best way to gauge value for like items in different sized packages and brands.

agreed. this looks like a frustrating waste of time. Just use a magnet and be done with it.

Being able to solder is ideal, but you can use crimp connectors if you have to. You just buy a fuse tap, put it into the load side of the switched accessory fuse, connect a wire to it, and another wire to a ground. Run those wires to where you want to mount your camera. Then just chop off the cigarette lighter adapter

Being able to solder is ideal, but you can use crimp connectors if you have to. You just buy a fuse tap, put it into

anything can connect directly to your fusebox with about $3 in parts at most.

anything can connect directly to your fusebox with about $3 in parts at most.

B.D. Wong!!!!

Should have gone with IDNOCLIP

Hahaha, I work for Bosch, and we have a couple of that exact laptop in a cabinet somewhere from years ago. I hear they used them from some kind of ABS testing work. I should see if they threw them out tomorrow.

This works really well with leftover mac and cheese.

Have you tried Multisim? There is a free version from Mouser and NI called multisim blue. Muuch more user friendly than PSpice IMO.

Mine unfortunately is from being rear ended. The hatch is unscathed, but the latch loop thing was pushed in a bit so there is pressure on the latch mechanism, and it wont open.


As a native michigander with a beat up XJ.... Wanna buy mine? Rear hatch doesnt open right now, and an bunch of other little issues, but it drives great.

This is more or less how I learned to stop being medicated for ADHD, and let it work for me. I can’t really do more than one thing at a time, but when I start to lose momentum on a project, I just let my ADHD take over and shift seamlessly into something else. I just pivot back to the original project when my mind is

the heat gradients and mechanical stresses (things that could damage a pan) are much harsher when using to cook than when in a dishwasher. Nice snark.

the heat gradients and mechanical stresses (things that could damage a pan) are much harsher when using to cook than