
Can someone out there in the internet world answer me a question that has bugged me for years? How in the hell can a pan that is designed to be used on a stove, and actually cooked with POSSIBLY NOT be dishwasher safe???? This started a long time ago when my mother got a set of new pans and wouldn’t let anyone put

Can someone out there in the internet world answer me a question that has bugged me for years? How in the hell can a

it’s like recommending an apple computer for someone whom you know will come back to you with issues if you recommend anything more complex. Sometimes you just don’t want to deal with other peoples problems.

^6 point socket!! none of that 12 point garbage for those bleeders. I also know the perils of working on a Michigan Jeeps brakes.

sounds just like this stuff from a place anyone from Michigan should know

Same story in Michigan. Lots of them popping up lately too.

I would say a brewery fits the bill of what they are talking about closer than a bar here in the US.

It would be interesting to see an actual study about pollution in both cases. If you think about it, putting load on a cold engine will put more pollution into the air because the engine does not run very efficiently when it is cold. Sure the ECU will prevent it from stalling or killing itself, but a cold engine is

good to know. I have given up searches quite a few times because canistreamit says it’s not available.

Excellent article. This type of thinking only inspires ignorance like you said. That isn’t good for anyone. I work for a supplier, and it is insane when I go to an OEM and have to park somewhere because of what I drive.

Or perhaps I could mix in a bit of milk to make up the lost liquid.

Could you do this for recipes that call for solid butter by cooking the spices in then re-cooling the butter?

Last year I replaced the Head gasket on my jeep... in the dead of winter. While I was at is I replaced the power steering pump, and of course the appropriate intake/exhaust gasket and valve cover gasket.. I had marginal heat,in the garage I was borrowing. I took my time and made sure I did everything correctly so I

Reminds me of how I feel about BRiNK. Worth about 3 hours of play, never to be played again. I’ll pass.

I know, I use Wago PLCs at work. Also, you shouldn’t use the wago push in connectors on stranded wire without ferrules either.

Are you referring to the PLCs or the spring connectors? I know the spring tension on Wago PLC terminals is way more than anything I have seen on the push in connectors that I have seen for home use. What I do know is that wire nuts are cheap and offer a very good connection when done right. I’m sure some of the push

Solder is not normally used on residential AC wiring. I am an electrical engineer so I take this electricity stuff kind of seriously, and know what I am talking about.

if you see your neighbor doing something you don’t like, you should be straight forward and tell them directly why it is bothering you and ask them to stop it. Having a landlord deal with it should be a backup plan, and can be seen as passive aggressive and can just make them start doing other things.

Please don’t use these. They are junk. Use wire nuts, they are cheaper and offer a way better mechanical interface between wires. A tiny bit more work, but I would definitely trust them more. Weak mechanical connection means heat and voltage drop when high current passes through, and at worst sparks.