
I'm at a Huge privately owned supplier. Very stable with good benefits. Company politics are everywhere though. Just today I was flabbergasted at an engineer who wanted me to help him with a test stand that he said wasn't working.... Long story short, he had no idea what the actual test spec even was, and didn't even

You shouldn't jinx yourself like that. They might force a recall because some dipshit does something totally out of the scope of intended use and hurts themselves. They will always invent a better idiot.

This! This is excellent. As a new engineer in the automotive industry, I see and hear about this type of attitude. Luckily where I work it isn't too bad, but people don't realize that the culture of a company and the way it is set up impact the engineering process way more than the people at the very top. I totally

saline (what they are filled with) is heavier than pure water, so they would sink in a pool.

As long as you aren't drawing tons of current a linear regulator should handle that no problem.

If the car fires regularly, and the scope has an FFT function, you can just use that and find the dominant frequency.

oh god. I'm having flashbacks. The PO of my e36 did that to a bunch of wires up front. I've been going through it, but it is sooo frusterating.

I feel like XJs should count as real jeeps. No one gets them and doesn't beat the shit out them at least a bit.

so epic. This makes me want to get another wrangler.

Jeep wrangler. When I had my wrangler, I got the wave all the time. With my Cherokee, nothing.

Bought an old bmw recently, now I want an old Merc too!

"Closed Area Network (CAN) " Controller area network.

HNNNNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH..... I need to co clean up now.

gotcha, so its a corrosion thing.

Why would you need to bother to insulate a grounds strap all the way on a chassis ground vehicle?

agreed.... Terrible.

It's that last step that would kill me! You have given me some motivation on the interior restoration front though. My old 325i needs some love.

perfect. Read in his voice without thinking about it.

Thanks, saved me some time. I don't like prius', but people are just idiots in spouting off garbage about them.

Gotta keep the hot side hot, and the cold side cold!