
Unless this dude has hermetically sealed his restaurant and is running blood tests for the virus on all customers coming in, this ain’t going to do shit to prevent possible exposure to Coronavirus.

I’m not a fan of clowns in general but oddly enough, Ronald never creeped me out. Maybe it was just residual goodwill from my childhood when going to McDonalds was still something that came across as a once and a while treat to be looked forward to. (I know, I know, but we’re talking late 80's/early 90's when, even as

I have a similar experience, except with bread. I worked for what is now Bimbo bakeries years ago when I was in college, during summer break (Used to be SunBeam. At the time I worked for them it was Earthgrains, before getting bought out by Sara Lee, which then got gobbled up by Bimbo). Like you, we’d just shut down a

Yep. Everyone raves about Krogers and I wish i had them in my area. A looooong time ago when I was a kid, there was one near where I lived but it shut down way back in the 90's. 

Honestly, 9 times out of 10, I’m going for the store brand on just about any given item. Most store brands, in my experience, tend to be at least 30% or more cheaper than the name brand, and with a handful of exceptions, there isn’t much of a difference in taste or quality.

I mean, this is a company that came up with the dead-eyed creepy horror of the King, and the dumb-ass promotion of the ‘Upside down Whopper’ for Stranger Things. Advertising prowess has never seemed to been a strong suit of theirs. I think they peaked promotionally with the idea to give out paper crowns. 

I’m not in the add business, but just off the top of my head, I would have gone with a montage of beef being freshly ground and formed into patties. That gets the message across (no preservatives, fresh, etc.) without the gross out factor. Maybe for an encore, they’ll do a timelapse of a person eating a Whopper and

Absolutely my first thought upon learning of this. I mean, i suppose it counts as a win, as watching that video won’t make me want to eat anything for a while I guess. 

Yes on the salmon cakes. If made well and seasoned properly they’re awesome. They’re great to eat by themselves or make for a killer sandwich (and I might recommend doing a sort of quick and dirty sauce for it with some mayo, Old Bay and lemon juice).

SPAM may not be good for you, but damn if its not great when fried. I still hear that little jingle in my head (“Spam-burger Hamburger”) any time I look at a can. 

That seems to be my overall take on plant based alternatives to traditional animal based products. The better ones are pretty tasty in their own right but I have yet to see any that are an absolute 1-1 substitute for the real deal. I’ve had Beyond and Impossible burgers both, and I prefer Beyond myself (it edges out

What brands of margarine contain animal products?

I honestly can’t remember where I read it, but I do remember reading a rather interesting history of the butter vs. margarine war. And it really extends back even further than the 90's. At one point, margarine was a very pale white and they had yellow food coloring capsules that you would break open and mix with it to

Eh. I’m not really here for the ‘kids these days’ line on this. I will say that this is, like most things that start out on the market but benefit disabled folks, sort of an unintentional boon for the extremely disabled who may have problems physically getting out of their house but still want to be able to enjoy food

You just made your kitchen very sad...

But you also have to figure in about damage to the reputation and how that is going to affect the business, especially if orders are fucked up, not delivered at all, or drivers deliver inferior food from another restaurant or warehouse like the lady in the story said. I think the benefits do not outweigh the lack of

Between this, and the whole deal with them taking large cuts of tips of their drivers, I wouldn’t use these apps. Not to mention they’re fucking expensive as hell and sometimes you’re doubling what you’d pay for the privilege of having something delivered. I’d rather take half and hour and just pick up at the

Jesus. To hell with civil suits. If these sites are putting restaurants on their apps to order from and then collecting money for orders that were never placed with the actual restaurant, that sounds like fraud to me. Start throwing out some criminal charges and see how fast they scramble to find a solution to this. 

Cheap-ass low quality food, playing the odds with volume of customers, reusing leftovers, and a devil-may-care attitude with health codes?

Now playing

Just don’t mix up your pee with someone elses...