I read the last article linked... all the dedication to Victorian living and yet it’s posted on the internet... as a blog!? So 1867...!
I read the last article linked... all the dedication to Victorian living and yet it’s posted on the internet... as a blog!? So 1867...!
Great teacher! I had one like that in my senior year history class... makes a lot of difference to open young eyes to the World at Large!
Great great article C.A.... I'm not going through all the comments, but did anyone notice that she implies that she eats "98+%" of her meals out at the beginning and then towards the end says she just goes out for ice cream or whatever?
Brilliant! Had me laughing out loud... Thank you!
Came here to say that!
I witnessed this happened to a server in a casino I worked at as a busyboy way back at 19 yrs old. The snakey asshole with the depleting stack of ones ended up leaving a dollar for four rounds plus food and told the server he could've done better.
Thought about it and then realized how ridiculous it sounded... can't fool me internet! (Well, not today at least)
Unfortunately, ranch is a necessary evil. I recommend that your place of business carry it but charge double... That's what we do and no one bats an eye.
What else would one expect when a *baker* brings in *treats*? :)
I got the impression that our new droid was a lot smaller than the R series... anyone else.
Just got off shift after a pretty busy and frustrating, rough night... your post just made my day! I'll be using that one soon, I think... beautiful, kudos to that manager!
Double star! Hope I phrased it eloquentley.
I live in NW US... Canadians visit often 'round these parts and have a stereotype for not tipping well (well under 20%).
I hate that one. Too ambiguous. We say "Copy" and repeat what's "copy"ed. So if a coworker if running food to table 62 it's "62's out", "copy 62". "Fire 41", "copy, 41 fired". Kind of military efficient- ish, but it freakin' works!
Yeah... I've worked at places where food is rung in and it's a "mistake". If abused like that, it can become a serious food cost problem. Therefore, it's understandable using the "one bad apple" rule (pun Intended).
FOH myself... We used to employ a specific table # with the phrase "extra napkins" (just because that sounded so nonchalant... ). It was unisex... if someone wanted to point out someone they thought was hot, you'd hear "hey, table 36 needs extra napkins!"
Quicksand: When a server is stuck with a customer and for some reason CANNOT get away. Either they're asking a billion questions, they say that they're ready to order and proceed to read the menu in front of you, or are just plain nutty and you have to deal with communicating. Server is often breaking into a sweat…
Once had a chef pull a kitchen knife on the sous chef because an order got sent back. Cut the dude on the arm and scared the shit out of everyone there! Manager is calling the cops as this guy is standing on the line screaming, still brandishing the knife, "why can't ANYONE do ANYTHING RIGHT!!??"
I once had someone order the soup du jour. When I brought it, she said (in the bitchiest tone ever), "Excuse me, I've had soup du jour and this is NOT it!"
A sincere thanks for that second vid clip... needed that.