Four Sixty-Nine

Wait a second. Garfield eating all the pizza in town is a supply chain and inventory problem, but he has Odie building an oven as some kind of solution? This isn’t some production capacity issue. If he wants to help, Garfield needs to get Odie out there forming strategic relationships with farms and ranches in a

Even with the servile dermatologists and thrice-divorced yacht ghouls and buttery finance lordlings that crowd his social orbit and pay to belong to Trump’s clubs, there are still some latent traces of dirt under their fingernails—these people have to work to make the money to pay those dues, even if that work

Minor correction: Chuck Forrest did it before Chu.

Dude was straight up Blaising

PASCAL was so awesome, I gave it a C++

He would be a master of the triangle offense.

Pascal was so awesome, he made me believe in God.

Of all people, you’re surprised that this guy abstains from being a swinger when he encounters another dude in an unfamiliar position?

Not sure Christ really cares much about gold medals. He got hung up on some silver, though.

So the basic complaint here is they didn’t correctly guess what you wanted, and you didn’t tell them.

Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

Sounds like how I used to play games with girls in college. I’d try to do team deathmatch on TimeSplitters 2 or team up in Smash Bros, then they’d start getting confident and want to 1v1 me. Then they’d get mad at me for taking it easy on them so I’d ramp it up a bit and then they’d get mad because I fucking owned

I knew a guy once. He lost his Lord of the Family status in a best-of-three NBA Jam TE series.

Now his son writes him in as a dependent on his taxes. Boomshakalaka.


Kids today will never know the struggle.

RIP, Herbert Kornfeld.  Accounts Receevabo 4eva

Fighting is part of the game.

Wrong St. Petersburg.