Four Sixty-Nine

Already on it

“Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows....”

I always loved when Homer started hanging out with a couple of hippies and he shares some music “from his personal stash that’ll really blow some minds” and then it’s Uptown Girl

“Hey guys, come on, shut up”

Now I’ve got THAT SONG going through my head! Well done!

No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.

I like the part where Kramer enters the right to fight Kramer, exchange a few fist jabs at each other and then Kramer releases an Ultimate Blast to defeat Kramer, only for Kramer to finally defeat Kramer in the air with a Kramerhameha.

We’re all too calloused for that kind of thing.

No idea what you’re talking about, but I can tell something odd is afoot with these comments.

Achille you for making fun of me.

Only if you want to toe the line.

They would have contributed more but they were brought to heel.

Is that all?  That is, is that their sole contribution?

I wouldn’t go blaming streaming and Netflix for the failure of independent theaters and the struggles even the chains are having. Those problems have been on going for longer than streaming has been a thing. Fuck it was a major topic back when I was in college and Netflix had just launched as the DVD by mail service.


Running them into the ground is now precisely the point. No rational owner attempting to actually run these sites in a way reasonably anticipated to result in medium- or long-term profitability would behave this way. The auto play ads are sapping goodwill and certainly driving readers away, or will soon. One of the

I saw him a few years ago with Postmodern Jukebox. It was a great show, but then Puddles wandered in and put it over the top. Great voice, and surprising funny. His videos are great (look up “Another Tear Falls”), but he’s even better live. 

I’m moderately fond of the original “Royals”, the Puddles version blows it away on every metric available.

almost got recast as Oracle