Four Sixty-Nine

I assumed that when the question stated this happens “*every* time”, it was supposed to read “*every* time the waitress is attractive.”

Mostly because Keanu had the good sense to avoid Speed 2.

The main driver of this move was the perception that a) the Seminole Boosters group was more powerful than the FSU athletic department, and b) this was causing problems with recruiting and revenue.  It looks like they finally figured out how to co-exist the same way most other Southern schools have for decades.

This is not the kind of beef I was expecting from Hope Solo.

Shit, I'm 5'7" and just about 2 bills and I wear a 42 short jacket. No fucking way he wears a 48.

Happy to give this one the nice star number it deserved.

This is a perfect example of Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

It’s happened before. Pat Riley went from running the Showtime Lakers to setting offensive basketball back 40 years with the Knicks and Heat.

On top of a VISOR. What is a visor, really, but a shelf for knockoff Oakleys? Some visors ARE sunglasses, which is just the sharpest look. If you ever want to be mistaken for a Sarasota tennis instructor, this is your look.

Fair enough.

Is it bad that it took me a second to realize you meant “Hockey Night in Canada” when you wrote HNIC?

Thank you for making the reference for me. Mourn ya ‘til I join ya Herbert!

Really? Because I came for the dick jokes.

Is Standford the Hardvard of the west coast?

Upvoted for using the classy plural of beef.

I would add “somehow not catching Robert Durst” to that list.

How much will these jackwagons raise through their inevitable GoFundMe page?

Yeah, really looking forward to the hot take C’lay is going to dish.

“As such, I endeavor every day to do exactly what Chick-fil-A puts forward as its overarching corporate value”

Christians may not have invented marriage, but even the Bible didn’t define it solely as between one man and one woman.