Four Sixty-Nine

A Milford player who sometimes falls and “isn’t the best player” was taunted with verbal insults from Kings on the court and a group of five teens in the stands.

What’s about Captain D’s?

Spencer Hall pretty accurately describes the Popeye’s customer service experience here:

What are the current odds on the bet that the woman who threatened the lawsuit was also the one with whom Rodriguez had the affair?

The death of Fernández was altogether something else—a human tragedy that feels tacky and cynical to discuss in baseball terms

As a fan of neither team, I thought it was interesting during the broadcast that when they discussed the three new rules added for player safety as a result of this rivalry, all three of them (diving at the QB’s knees, receiver crackback blocks, launching with the crown) resulted from Steelers players hitting Bengals.

“One can’t help but wonder what, say, Nicolas Cage could have done with this role...”

Billy Donovan started when Steve Spurrier was at UF. You’d probably have to go back to Indiana with Bobby Knight and Lee Corso to find a better combination of football and men’s basketball coaches at the same school...

FDR didn’t stand for the anthem. FDR was a Democrat. Therefore, Democrats hate America. QED. Checkmate, liberals.

They want his help, and they want to shoot at suspects.

Oh, blow it out your ass, Howard!

Koetter deserves to be fired for his play calling at the end of the first half of the Saints game. The sequence after Jameis aggravates his shoulder injury: incomplete pass (where it was obvious Jameis was favoring his throwing shoulder and didn’t have any strength in it), time out, sack from a 5 wide formation. If

I’m open to the idea of hits being measured in how much damage it would do to Rand Paul.

It was, but it worked so I wasn’t about to edit it.

Complete evil fucking moron, surrounded by slightly less incontinent complete evil fucking morons?

When I read the original story, I thought your in-laws were just weird. Reading this story about your MIL’s hospitalization, I now think your BIL should be defenestrated.

I agree, but the measure is more about the associations people make when they hear the name and less about the number of shits you or I give (though I will admit Baylor is a better example given that metric). I think people will forget about all this with UNC pretty quickly, just like I think a lot of people have

This article doesn’t answer the one question I had: does Ortega still make her taco pop?

One of the things I wished the story emphasized more was how certain Confederate figures are much more likely to be commemorated than others. There’s a reason Longstreet isn’t memorialized in statue form outside of a handful of places with actual ties to him (Gainesville, GA has one because he died there), and it’s