Four Sixty-Nine

Imagine how many seeders that copy of that big ass needed for someone to torrent it.

The A.V. Club
…On a quest to not suck…

Or trying to define the Rusty Venture in the prom episode. "No, that's a Double Frogman…"

Every time Jon Benjamin busts out the old timey radio voice, I lose it. Every. Time.

I could see Pudd pulling it off too.

"You're not making Christianity better. You're just making rock 'n' roll worse."

Hi. You've reached the Sivero hotline. Here are some words that rhyme with Sivero: Dinero, Canyonero…

Both, in that order?

Good to see Matthew Sweet get some love. Though I personally prefer 100% Fun as an album (and Devil with the Green Eyes off Altered Beast as a single), you can't go wrong with Girlfriend.

It's because of that stupid Bank of America ad for the ugly sweater party. Apparently BoA thinks couples with matching shitty holiday sweaters are worth throwing a party for.

If this were Buzzfeed, this would have been a 44 page slideshow in Flash. Don't give them any ideas.

I'm not sure Service Merchandise ever recovered when Wheel switched to cash.

SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! This comment is the You really knocked that one out of the park.

James Mason convinced me to try Thunderbird for its unique flavor.

A puddle underneath a Long John Silver's dumpster, I believe it is.

Good to know I'm not the only one to think of the hot tub scene from Spartacus while watching this episode.

It probably involves a vajankle, and yes, that is a real thing.

I got a Terriers notification for this?

I'm going to Venice this October. I'll definitely check those out. Thanks, Alien Jesus!

I was in Seville two years ago, and while the whole city is awesome, you can easily spend a happy afternoon wandering around the Alcazar.