
i thought that was Cats 4: 2 Cats, 2 Furriers ?


Yes, what did he do to deserve this terrible 2-week ordeal mainly in front of a green screen that will net him a half a million smackers 

I assume he had some hand in casting a cis dude in The Danish Girl

Somehow this looks worse than what was already guaranteed to be the worst thing in history?

actors are divas, and cats just don’t care - you have to ask yourself what tom hooper has done to deserve this type of punishment.

The words I’m hot feel foreign on my tongue!

these are good and accurate takes.

bless you.

but judging by the fact that they actually go back to that wretched place, given what they went through as kids, they should probably call themselves The Fools

Hand brake all day long.

scans list for hitler

nor does youpi:

on jez, as in life - if you aren’t outraged, you aren’t doing it right.

you get a text.

Free Chris Paul

thats mr yuk, to you.