
face it tiger, you just lost the jackpot.

sure, walking on presidents can get you arrested and fined, but shitting on the office of the presidency comes without repercussions.

seriously? try a salad every now again, bruh.

no one was hurt - that guy rocks!

regional variation, perhaps.

model citizens, they werent.

dont stop there!

those cars were actually great though - shiny, good feel for the wheel and they kept the moving parts clean.

Sir, I’ll have you know that those are bomb waistcoats.

my lord, you are too fingers absolutely destroyed what my heart and mind intended.

they are not, however, fly.

she’s telling him that when he points a finger, there’s three pointing back at him.

fashion = subjective

maybe i’m not just getting this, but how is airdropping a pic of a really stylish piece of clothing some sort of threat?

so that we can have a future, seems like the present will be female.

premeditated racism

or your favorite president...

this guy? he gets it.

Well, that doesn’t explain why it went bad in the first place.