
Your daily reminder that if you drive an EV, any type of EV, you are a liberal elite living a lavish lifestyle outside of Wyoming.

Today I saw a variant that attempts to communicate the same message, but with a soupçon of homophobia:

today’s readers read just enough to find something that outrages them and then sprint immediately to the comment section to embarass themselves. 

That’s insane...PC Magazine still exists?


Was, by the way, the underappreciated follow-up to “Pocketful of Sunshine” by that irascible chanteuse, Natasha Bedingfield.

I’m sure if you asked someone at Ford, they’d tell you that van is made of metals, plastics and rubber, but I’m here to tell you it’s made entirely of hope.

Donut (R.I.P.) taught me this word, though I have yet to have occasion to use it in casual conversation.

So, a million bottles, then?

Kudos to the NHL for extending their influence into the automotive market.

There are currently almost 300 used Tesla Cybertrucks for sale on Autotrader right now...

Can’t spot a deer when it’s there, can spot a car when it aint.

For a bag of nails is what it was made of, and to a bag of nails it shall return.

I find the above to be a ludicrous statement.

I’ve never been less shocked by anything involving Elon Musk in my life.

I believe they are implying the bus driver is a local.

This car is engorgeous.

You totaled 12 Teslas just by saying this.

This made Terry Crews so jealous he launched a volley of Cruise missiles at Tom’s crew socks.

It’s the batteries - super heavy, they’ll always sink.