
Do you realize how long Britain’s history is?

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i guess the hateful foreign ideology was inside of us the whole time...

the M in Mars stands for Moon, didn’t know Mars was an acronym?

thanks for posting this, chelsea.

thanks for posting this, chelsea.

this is the Face/Off sequel 2019 deserves.

presumably, he wished to be born amidst the glory of pride month.

warfarin? the war of the roses film? worf, from star trek the next generation? waging war on lgtbq+ rights?

a veteran of a war trump didn’t think was worth fighting, however, so it doesn’t count.

i hope IT Chapter 2 survives her.

and not tell any horrible stories about his frat days at Temple

well, if nothing else, we know it will never smell of asparagus, as thats a vegetable and all.

i quite literally have no idea what it would take to get him ousted - every day brings a new atrocity, and every day brings a fresh wave of looking the other way from the so-called adults who are meant to be safeguarding us from this level of fuckery.

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I can’t wait for details to start trickling out.

urine trouble this time, donnie - for sure!

a dark tower fan, for sure!

it’s not a bad look, but not the look we thought it was:

Love is blind, although lust has eyes in the back of its head.

if those glasses where a choker, hair was hair pulled back into two braids, the dress stopped right above the knee, and she was wearing docs, then i’d say she’d gone full 90's.