
(Including tournaments, Brad Rutter is the all-time money leader.)

our hearts are yours, do with them as you please.

his epic take down of both mr pibb and the our ignorance of the import of higher education was revelatory.

oh, you!


sometimes i need to remember that this is not simply a place where i can give, but also receive.

thanks nico and scowly - this is, you are, just what today needed.

being mortified that this country has an attorney general who uses the phrase you know four times in a single sentence is pretty low on my trump administration atrocity list, but it still sorta makes me want to jump off a bridge, you know?

i will own both of these today - with both a heartfelt apology and a triumphant fist to the sky.

And I have never starred a comment. Until now.

I love you so much right now.


i hate everything about all of this.

unmuted...i got you.

he’s a hardlytry

in soviet russia, election win you.