
set your phasers to kudos!

you mean, like, a sybian?

a mercy killing, it would appear.

spoken like someone who has never milked a duck.

clam down, you.

sounds like quackery to me.

par for the coarse, rather.

I tend to agree with the show’s producers.

not an actual quote, but probably is, though.

Mack was arrested in Brooklyn by the FBI on April 20, 2018, on charges of sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and forced labor conspiracy. According to prosecutors, after she recruited women to join the organization, she used tactics such as blackmail to force them into engaging in sexual activity...against

i assure you, i will not try your patience any further in this manner and matter.


not exactly new, she’s stayed at this graybar before:

I liked this joke. I’d like you to stay.

You’ll see yourself out.

She doesn’t always get it right (IMO) but this time she nailed it.

more like kit lackofharington, amirite?

I think I’m the only one that got your joke...