
to be clear, cherubs [sic] and seraphs [sic] still be like, “the fuck is that way up there?”

And why is she screaming?

*reduces pedestal by two levels*

*cancels plans to build a chain of moist bialy shops*

i’ve always used the power of stonefruit to keep my machine uniquely clean.

thats peachy keen!

Is that hand to your heart, looks of surprise move something you learn in pageant academy?

as a family we were disinterestedly watching celebrity family feud when the pageant began. at miss michigan’s introduction we cheered, rewound, cheered again, and rewound a third time to bask in this heroine’s bravery.

i barely survived the first sentence, then you hit me with second.

i mean, if ever there was an administration that knows a thing or two about assaults on democracy, its this one.

Is that flag shoe disrespecting a flag shirt by standing on it?

counterpoint: a finer example of the literal t-boning the figurative you’d be hard-pressed to find.

i’m going to burn a pair of these on facebook, and just assume that anyone watching it will implode:

the entire season will be an avant-garde hosting challenge.

Now playing

i’m so over chrises...let the age of dave begin!

a billboard, i’d say.

New Music From “Avril Lavigne” Is Coming Out Very Soon

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Bruh, when you ask a person on the street what a “mass shooting” is, they’ll most often say something like columbine/parkland/DC Sniper.