
No, next is government randomly searching your house to make sure you aren’t making meth. No, no other causes, you just have a house, microwave and cold medicine, that’s all we need.

For those reading years later.

Democracy is great.

People commenting about proving a negative aren’t getting that mass illegal voter fraud isn’t provable either under some states legal environments.

An enormous number of people do not understand the underlying technologies in automobiles, and haven’t since their introduction.

I am buying an iPad at a brick and mortar store because amazon reviews included for refurbished older tablets, not trusting it.

Who told you one side was all about hate?

I used to do that, I used the BBC, should be reliable, right?

Not to disagree, but it depends on the cutter.

Is this video sponsored? I’ve seen it’s link near the top of the page half the day, almost made me skip new content thinking I had reached the end of new stuff.

I am reading it, I suggest alternative headlines below:

I’m confused, the building is already leased on a 60 year contract?

Why do we continue giving credit to statements of ex lovers and spouses, made in anger during separations.

Actually there were.

Nihau incident.

No, it shows fear.

Whitetail deer do the same thing. A pair of the locked up and drowned, a family member found them and my dad used a chainsaw to cut their heads off.

She is married off to a husband who sponsored her reanimation, preferring the more submissive women of the early 2000s, they merely talk back instead of using their acid spray attack on their spouses genitalia (thank god for advanced medical tech that regrow it, amirite)

This is the “business man” difference.

A lot of people are blaming the lack of expensive automated systems to do this man’s job for him.