
Yes, because we all know Obama NEVER tried to rollback access to assault rifles, banana clips and certain types of ammunition.

It is a pipeline problem.

“Illegal” in every way... except in cases of rape, incest, or situations where the life of the mother is at stake... Read up on the Hyde amendment at some point. Beyond that it’s up to the states.

Parking illegally doesn’t always mean you’re parking like a dick. Often it’s the parking restrictions which are unreasonable.

Hey man. I clicked on the article because I’ve been considering taking that course. INDEPENDENCE FTW!

Seems like a cashless society is all about tracking your purchases?

Yeah, the $2500 still owed on an 18 year old Buick is the real story...

Step One: You stop calling them idiots. I know, it seems hard.

Biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.

So a mixture of water and Kinja comments?

The entire election cycle was nothing but an act. I think we’ll come to find that Trump is actually a centrist.

Then don’t click on the blatantly political posts. Clicks = ad revenue, so if you don’t like them, don’t make them profitable.

Compound Trump’s terrifying shortcomings with Obama’s strengthening of the Executive and a Republican-controlled Congress, and you have a recipe for unchecked executive overreach.

The Polar Bears need to check their white privilege and get consent before they start rubbing up on bitches that are just trying to relax.


When it comes to apocalypse planning I have the great advantage of being old. When the apocalypse comes, be it nuclear, viral, asteroid, robot or zombie, I plan on going down to the Washington Monument grounds, opening a nice bottle of wine, and watching the show — I plan to be the very first to go. You kids have a

Having once had to deal with both City of Chicago's department of revenue, the impound, and subsequently the "law firm" handling the payment plans for the City, I can assure you it is just a way to scam people out of money and pad the pockets of those involved.