
They say identify, I say track, I’m glad it hasn’t happened.

No fixed point, then what objective measure do you use to determine gender?

When does a vagina having person become a boy, what makes it objective?

Just because you claim something does not make it objectively true. A person with a vagina deciding to be a boy does not make it so. Someday you might leave the fantasy world where believing a thing makes it true.

Why should anyone accept anything less than the maximum that they desire?

Because the media convinced everyone that a guy with no history of racism or LGBT hatred actually is both?

Confirmation bias.

It’ll be a long wait, I’m only 33.

You have demonstrated sop for trans discussion, declare your own definitions then act haughty about it. This is why I use anatomical terms.

Race has nothing to do with it. The vets escalated it. Suddenly there were 2000 able bodies trained in dispensing violence on tap. Race and even gender was unimportant. Armed or not, you won’t beat that without an airstrike.

Per the most common definition, assault rifles must be select fire, as in able to fire one round or multiple at the turn of a switch. For the military it is a hard rule.

Male and female, to almost everyone else, is a descriptor of genitalia, usually birth genitalia. Making it a euphemism. The Transgender group has come along to describe it as something else, as a culture . That’s not really an issue until we reach segregated areas, those segregations were created for reasons

Because for basically all of history man = penis. We didn’t have to dive into discussions of anatomy to express what was meant.

That’s why I refer to male/female as penis having/non penis having.

I’m sure this is your vast experience in corporate governance talking here, not your desire to believe.

He was not a board member while pushing for it, that would have been a conflict of interest

The man wanted to field test a new tech with major possibilities back before we found out it was sketchy?

I have one solid, concrete and easy to accomplish step that will increase diversity in most work environments.

Hiding transactions or even storing non-taxable wealth outside of government detection or reach is not criminal, nor does the IRS have jurisdiction over it.

I defend both the 2nd and 4th with equal fervor.