
5 Internet points says it hasn’t happened because unions.

Is it bad that I wouldn’t turn down a Nazi Taylor Swift?

Yay for muzzling people we disagree with I guess?

Honestly I think the best way to deal with it is actually promoting equality. Stop the affirmative action type stuff and the “fuck straight white males” things, it only adds to their numbers.

What is wrong with a single group of racists that promoted a tweet?

I think we will end up having a future where restrooms and dating apps are defined by genitalia. Instead of using the shorthand of male and female, we will go the cruder and more directly factual route of penis or no penis.

I’m a strong gun rights supporter, and Trump lost my support when he posted his gun policy.

Believing Comey’s conclusion is not seeing with your own eyes. Reading DNC wikileaks releases is seeing with your own eyes, asking Comey what the difference between careless and negligent is would be using your own brain.

Does outright insulting people and then calling them sexist usually work out well for you?

I see, you have seen the official line put out by the leftist media and swallowed it without thought.

So you are saying hillary did inspire black voters?

Have you considered that the current freak out about Trump might be the result of similar falsehoods and hype.

So can we end the attempts to silence groups the left dislikes now.

Because the DNC rigged primaries and denied themselves a good candidate. Instead they put up a corrupt insider whose only draw was “I’m a female, vote for me because females!!!!”

Why do media people keep giving allegations made during divorce proceedings credit as being truth?

Yes, it makes me think a great number of people have been led astray by the biased media.

One fourth receives no support from the other parent, some of that is support the state gave but has been unable to recoup from the absent parent.

Your numbers are wrong.

You quit reading too early. 62% of that 37 billion is paid.

So it’s a common tactic, putting criticism outside Fandom....