
Men who father children are held responsible for their actions. Failure to pay child support is a punishable offense.

The bottom 10% have an excuse to be broke, everyone else has to explain why they think this luxury is a “necessity.”

As a mostly Republican with a bunch of leftist views (for example, pro-choice) you guys are reminding me of Republicans after 08 and 12. The same people that were called racist for disliking Obama.

I see a pitfall.

The divisiveness of modern America is fueled by the refusal to consider your opposition has a good point that needs addressed.

As a major gun rights advocate, the moment I looked at Trumps gun rights statement was the moment I realized he was a total liar. It was too perfect to be true.

I blame the DNC the most. To me Sanders>Trump>Clinton.

So you consider the DNC giving interview questions to the people interviewing the opposition candidate normal?

I felt this, in se kansas.

Guys, the electoral college exists to make candidates work towards being a president of the entire US, rather than merely of the ten largest cities.

Money is not wealth.

A. Everyone pointing out how they show snagging an evasive driver isn’t paying attention. They briefly slow down and stop evading right before the snag. Total marketing.

Bad statistical usage is a pet peeve of mine.

Blame the feds for trying to stretch a misdemeanor trespassing charge into a felony conspiracy charge they couldn’t prove.

5 Internet points says it’s listeria. I work at a food plant and that shit is hard to keep out of the plant.

It’s strange how being hated by a community makes a sub-group paranoid about events that could result in their punishment.

Can we put money in his commissary account?

They aren’t necessarily stupid, they are liars.

Came here to say exactly this. Nsa Webcam spy software 2.0 will just have a “is anti-spy program running” check before taking over the Webcam. With subversion methods for each one.

White people also get unjustifiably abused and killed by police. The issue is lack of accountability, not race. It seems like race because it does fall harder on certain ethnic groups, but nobody is safe.