
I have no problem with it IF it is treated the same as an eyewitness saying “oh yeah, I saw Bob Jenkins over there peeing in the alley”

From ‘the mainstream press is full of lies’ to ‘trump wants to annihilate the press in revenge’ is a large leap.

Fortunately it’s not the real bar.

Osha violations do not require intent. Thus a company can intend to be safe and compliant, but fail.

I would agree, if osha was just about safety.

It’s worse than that, to get more prosecutions they are basically tagging “ever worked at a concentration camp” as a war crime. This wasn’t the case after the war, when we reasonably declared that, basically, individual enlisted men weren’t culpable for basic guard duty. Only those alleged to have gone beyond that and

Prostitutes who test positive could be treated like laborers with a back injury or workers with a lost limb. Workman’s comp and retraining, or possibly disability for the worst cases.

Astonishingly, when there are legal outlets, the criminal side is reduced.

I’m actually impressed he loads his own ammo and is worried about refletching his arrows. A rich asshole would just hire that shit out and not care.

I’ll condemn the wapo writers after a mass declassification of government documents which will tell us for sure that no threats were made or favors offered. Til then Ill hope they actually hold this opinion and haven't been threatened with harm.

Watch citizenfour, in the hotel room he discusses with the journalists the importance of keeping the files secured in their organization, saying that even with a gun to his head he would be unable to unlock them on his own. This is how you know he went to Russia with nothing. He went to Hong Kong without the full

plus one for the jeep, they are hard to kill and easy to keep running. Parts are abundant from stock to crazy aftermarket, including new frames and bodies. I have a stupid idea to buy a bunch of jeeps and set up a jeep rental place on a tropical island, just constantly rebuild classic jeeps for years. Probably a bad

Hah, I sweat it when I hit 1/4, I don’t even know if my light works.

I also like my not-to-uncommon vehicle, so I Park at the back of the parking lot like a not-asshole.

I am super late to this, by with my small block Chevy we replaced the intake manifold, exhaust and carburetor with common aftermarket parts. This removed almost all smog controls (bad cams and low compression are harder)

I felt this in se kansas, felt like someone was moving the dinner table back and forth, except it was the entire (large, concrete) building.

If their ‘influence’ is limited to exposing factual internal corruption, more power to them, it’s nothing that Us backed NGO’s haven’t been doing for decades.

Hrm, yes, clearly people with wrong opinions should be controlled and silenced......

I have two questions.

Blaming an economic problem on greed is like blaming a plane crash on gravity. Greed is omnipresent, the issue is the regulations in place to control it.