Dude, you really need some help.
Shut the fuck up tomato.
I gotta give you credit, you set up this joke perfectly and the punchline absolutely delivered. 10/10, would tell you to shut the fuck up again.
Never change tomato...never change.
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
Yep, Amy Klobuchar.
You’ve already put more thought into this than Gladwell did.
I think The Implication scene from The Gang Buys a Boat demonstrates how you can make a joke about practically anything. But the trick is in how you frame the joke.
The season finale last year made me cry. It was amazingly beautful. The should never stop. Some needs to fight the nightman for all of us.
Fuck Malcolm Gladwell and anybody trying to normalize or deny what these predators did. This being a burner account, I feel somewhat comfortable saying that I was, let’s call it “interfered with” by a next door neighbor as a 9-10 year old. I NEVER went through a fraction of what Sandusky’s/ Nassar’s victims endured.…
Not going to police makes sense from his point of view simply because in a big-time college football program, everything goes through the coach/AD and embarrassing the program by going directly to the police instead of letting higher ups handle it could well have jeopardized his career. That’s obviously not a great…
the theory’s basic premise is that human beings generally operate under the assumption that the people we are interacting with are being honest.
It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.
There’s a very simple reason why McQueary didn’t go to the cops right away: sometimes when we see things that go against our pre-existing beliefs, our brains work their asses off to come up with reasoning. McQueary respected Sandusky as a football coach and seeing him rape a child was outside of what he expected. So…
It’s blatantly making a plan that matches the ideals of his intended constituents in order for him to become their president? Damn dude, got’um.
Shut up, tomato.
Man, I hate such inaccuracies in cosplay.
Those hobbits are amazing