
I think it’s because, according to all insider sources, he’s a genuinely nice guy, which stands out in the see of assholes that is Hollywood. His material may be problematic, but as a person he seems to genuinely good man. So a lot of people do not want to believe that a good man can do bad work. If he’s a good man,

There is so much room for great stories in and around the Arthurian legends. I hope this is a sign of more to come, with Arthur as a character and a backdrop but it not being his story.

Those giants that look purposely un-rendered did the trick of making me feel unnerved lookin at them.

I was talking about this the other day, and I can’t remember exactly when the A24 logo before a trailer became an instant “better pay attention to this one” signal.

Love to see some Thunderbolts.

The Good Place helped a lot this past year.  I hope those motherforkers win.

It’s nice to have an award that can honor The Good Place without making it get constantly beaten by Schitts Creek for every award its up for. Good Place is on, what, a three year winning streak in Short Form?

I have to respectfully disagree and point out that voter ID laws are objectively racist in that they disproportionately effect poor communities of color.

She was that sparkly diamond lady in x-men (60's period) and mad men's wife. Even knowing that, I still can't 'see' that it's her.

Same. As someone who’s been here for more than ten years, and mostly reads the political/snark/etc. stuff (Jez, Gawker [RIP], and The Root), the main attractant to Deadspin was when they posted non-sports stuff. If they truly do make this stick, then it will end any desire on my part to read the stuff they post there.

Anybody following the active revolt being staged over at Deadspin? Yesterday’s “sports only” edict seems to be going over like a lead balloon, with them only posting older non-sports content and some newer, excellent non-sports stuff like a listicle of Mexican dogs (described as “good”, which seems redundant as they

Senator McConnell, your thoughts on ‘the dignity of the office?’

Also, in the event the G/O management succeeds in banishing politics from all the blogs, we’ve created a refugee camp here:

You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.

I want a Star Wars murder mystery. Directed by Rian Johnson. And starring Daniel Craig as the same Stormtrooper from The Force Awakens.

I actually have a theory that Dracula was rather feminist for its time. Yes they go on and on about how darling and childlike and useless dear Lucy is (until she becomes sexy then she must be killed) but that mena! She has a brain as good as a man’s! She takes notes while the men are sciencing! Despite her frail

“Look at me! I’m a sexy badass Manic Pixie Psychopath, in tight clothes and a smug smile of dominance, but I promise to be overcome by male characters or dead as a doornail before the end of the series!”

Goth Beto O’Rourke looks cool

I see the Chattering Order of St. Beryl is still around.