Wait, the girl and the father both have the last name Younger, but you’re just going to use Younger as the signifier? It doesn’t have to be this confusing.
Wait, the girl and the father both have the last name Younger, but you’re just going to use Younger as the signifier? It doesn’t have to be this confusing.
I didn’t know there were people who liked Fleetwood Mac.
I too identify as sharp as a tack, but frail, and prone to making bad decisions.
Look, it’s the internet. If you want to get find some people that are upset, and get yourself upset about it, you can always find them. That’s not really news. That being said, as a Patriots fan, I’ll say this: I have absolutely no ambitions to be stuck in a jammed elevator with the greatest quarterback who ever…
It might be really really dumb. If you told me there was a show where masked fascist cops were the underdogs against also masked white supremacists, I’d tell you to sod off. But there were glimpses of actual intelligence. Especially that opening.
Tell me more....
As an educator with little interest in college basketball.... seems like he did some real good. Forced at risk kids to read. Maybe not at the level you’d like, but they were being left behind. In a perfect world, not ideal, but I consider this a plus.
I remember a Newspaper editor in a documentary saying that basically anyone in the world can create a newspaper that will make a billion dollars, but have no ethics. Likewise, anyone can create an amazing, perfectly ethical newspaper, and fold before th first issue. The trick is what shifting ground you want to stand…
I mean, it’s a simple standard for me. Are there black voices objecting? Or are there just white voices policing what might be offensive. I don’t actually get to make a judgement on this, I’m just going to shrug and say ‘IDK’ until I hear what Michael Harriot or Ta-nehisi Coates has to say.
Aw, just hook it to my veins. I’ll take a very fun Wonder Woman, but when Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl finally come out of development, I’ll have an pleasant heart attack.
Much too reasoned.
The aide (Karl Rove) said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ [...] ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we…
Forgive me if this off topic, but let me know when the OS comes up that will totally throttle an SE. I’ll go with a flip phone before I buy a giant.
I always figured people weren’t going to vote for Warren not because she was a woman, but because you all hate Massachusetts.
Wikipedia tells me that SNL has been doing Hillary charicatures since 1991. I certainly know I had to take an afternoon and seriously debug what I thought I knew about her, and actually look at her record and what she actually stood for. It wasn’t a hard mental excersize, but I’m sure many didn’t bother.
I remember telling an out of stater that Jack, Bobby, and Teddy had so much residual good will in Mass that a Kennedy could run on reinstating slavery and abolishing public schools and I’d shrug and judge like “Well, he’s a Kennedy, I have to vote for him.” But damn if this shmoe isn’t deeply uninspiring.
So, up front, I’m a Pats fan. Not ride-or-die, but I’m a New Englander. And I’m not against, say, cutting a murderer, or a rapist. But am I crazy for thinking we need an overhaul on this system? On one level, we’re innocent until proven guilty, but if also if you maybe commit an equipment violation it’s four games…
I think its cute.
So Pilate asked Him, saying, “Are You the King of the Jews?” And He answered him and said, “It is as you say.”
First year party is for yourself. You made it through a year.