Now playing

They are quite useful as slammers for pogs.

In other words, busywork. If you’re being  taught a skill that’s already been automated, you’re wasting your time.

And not just that, but I think the BIGGEST thing (which is pointed out in the article) is that now all kids can eat.

There’s a vas deferens between a TC and a LeBaron.

I starred you and barfed at the same time.

Oh god, yes. Karmic comeuppance of Masshole Boston Sports Fans are the best and extremely well-deserved. When it happens to me, I will acknowledge its inevitability and congratulate the opponents on a well-won game.

I was at the Red Sox season ending series last year (against the Blue Jays) it was the Saturday game so 2nd last game of the season (Blue Jays still fighting for wild card spot) and before the game they honor Big Papi and bring out a bunch of Pats/Celtics/Bruins players come out on the field, and the announcer makes a

it does appear to be weighing on Sandoval

I marched around singing Marching through Georgia like an idiot.

I assume you guys all gave Samer a swirly the next time he walked into the offices?

 In fairness to the Falcons, the Patriots waited for Freeman to be where they wanted him and then launched Hightower at him. Gameplanning matchups. The Edelman catch is as good a catch as the SB will see - some of those you lose. See helmet and Kearse.
Belichick required McDaniels and his team to have a bunch of

....because she is... Professor Dolores Umbridge

They’re comically evil, like Captain Planet villians had more fleshed out and nuanced moral epistemologies.

Able bodied

It’s because conservatives have wanted to end Title IX almost since its inception. They view equality as a zero-sum game: any increased opportunity for another group (like women with Title IX or minorities with affirmative action) as fewer opportunities for them (the rich, white men). Now they see their chance since

Because Obama did it or liked it. And because so much of GOP politics and Trump’s in particular begin and end with “Fuck Obama”. They really got put out by those eight years of a black man running the country and actually being really good at it, they need to screw over his legacy as much as possible.

It’s this weird-ass sort of eugenics they’re wanting to do. If you can’t “hack it” through their bullshit American hazing ritual — involving being the right skin color, conforming to certain cultural roles they want to enforce, etc — you just don’t make it and out you go. By removing forced protections, they’re

Yeah, you seem like a real winner.