It takes a lot of skill to make that kind of pin-up art seem empowering and not just titillating. Allan Heinberg’s “Who is Wonder Woman” arc is hardly a classic, but the Dodsons’ art was glorious and it was worth picking up for that alone.
It takes a lot of skill to make that kind of pin-up art seem empowering and not just titillating. Allan Heinberg’s “Who is Wonder Woman” arc is hardly a classic, but the Dodsons’ art was glorious and it was worth picking up for that alone.
Errr ...
If Bombshells could continue uninterrupted for the next ten years, I would be fine with that.
DC Bombshells is one of the strangest superhero success stories of the last few years. A comic series based on a…
Counterpoint , Lobster is overpriced crusty sea spider and tastes no better than your average crab or whitefish...
“Just shows me what they got over there.”
It will come from his foundation so other people’s money basically.
If Trump has as much money as he says he does him donating a million dollars is like me donating $1.50
Trying to make globalism the enemy is about the dumbest thing he can suggest. Yes globalism has shifted some industries out of the US, but it also has helped to make us one of the wealthiest nations in the world. Even our poor people are head and shoulders above poor people virtually anywhere else when you consider…
Wang is not hard to pronounce or spell for most English speakers. Pretty sure the motivations for these name changes were radically different, and it’s a ridiculous stretch to compare them.
Fashion porn + Meryl Streep + Emily Blunt + Stanley Tucci = why people love this movie. When I used to flip past channels, I’d stop to watch it whenever it was on, no matter what point of the movie, but especially before the makeover montage. I cannot resist a makeover montage.
I’ve never heard this cat say anything substantive. I dig he has a tough gig, but I don’t think he has the dynamism necessary to change the conversation. Seems like a nice enough guy, but leader of American workers he is not
I am a member of the AFL-CIO and it has literally saved my livelihood if not my life. There would be no American middle class, which is now being so efficiently dismantled, without the organized labor movement.
Chloe Wang is a badass.
Yes, hello, James Beard Awards? I’d like to nominate someone. Yes I’ll hold.
You had me at tyrosine crystals
Okay, but can we talk about how hot as hell she’s looking in that picture? Why is she not aging? Is this some kind of gypsy curse?
I’m off the starches, but love a good industrial umami, and as a John Waters fan I must celebrate trash, so this is superfun reading for me.
Mine is now 16. I raised him to look out for others and take care of others. He would come home from school and proudly tell me how he sought out the kid sitting by her or himself at lunch and hang out with them so they wouldn’t feel lonely.