Damn, man, the umpires are suffering enough without you piling on.
Damn, man, the umpires are suffering enough without you piling on.
Obviously “Highway McHighwayface”
It’s curiously white neighbourhoods and schools contrasted with neighbourhoods of colour
People in Boston don’t need the alt-right to hate people. They mange just fine doing it by the block you live on, team you cheer for, did you go to college or not, “Hey, they looked at me funny...I think!”, what you’re drinking or even being out of the right kind of coffee.
It’s been this way as long as I can remember, and I grew up in the 60's. The first time I actually felt like me and people like me were part of this country, was at Jerry Garcia’s memorial when his daughter Annabel said her father was a great American, and everybody cheered. The literal first time I felt like I…
Of course the cowards who showed up in Charlottesville last weekend didn’t stayed away from a city where open carry is illegal. They don’t care about the 1st Amendment; all they want to do is intimidate people.
That sign, pretty much saying, “FUCK YOU, NAZIS - YOUR WOMEN LOVE BIG BLACK COCK.” is the most Boston thing ever...
Hey man, you can’t say “white”
The Deep State.
[citation needed]
All that George Soros globalist money!
Goddess, hate to jump the thread, but I just want to brag on my hometown, Boston, and how they have handled the “Free Speech Rally” that was unfortunately scheduled for today from 12 to 2. I was just watching live coverage on NECN, and things seem to have gone really well.
Wow. That Seattle PD tweet was some pro level salt. Bravo.
I’m looking forward to the counter-protest. They’re talking about having physical barriers between the demonstrations, they’re already shutting down streets tonight. Mahty’s taking it seriously, and BPD’s actually been fairly decent with how they handle demonstrations in the three odd years I’ve lived here.
She’s going to beat cancer and continue to be awesome.
Little known fact, the eastern empire didn’t fall because gravity worked the other way near the Hellespont. As Rome and Ravenna became piles of shit and fell, Constantinople had an inverse proportional relationship and actually literally levitated higher in the air. This was documented extensively by Procopius but…
You just know that a Canadian penny found its way in there. They always do.