
can marchman post this article tomorrow from the point of view of a white sox fan who previously received gordon beckham used footwear

It’s just hard to find an experienced, talented qb who has won big games in the NFL. I mean, you’re acting like there’s a better option just sitting at home.

The center says they “truly want what is best for Rally,” and contrary to what the Cardinals seem to think, living in a clubhouse with Mike Matheny and 25 men is not necessarily the best thing for every living creature.

“You’re gonna get some stares.”

I don’t know when this freckle on my elbow became kind of flaky and weird, but now that I do know, I probably should get it looked at. Just because I didn’t notice it earlier doesn’t mean it still isn’t a problem to be dealt with.

Too bad noone told him there were going to be hop-ons.

Whoa, easy there, mon frere. That’s a little offensive. I happen to live down in Miami. My buddy told me it was designed by some guy named Hermano. Can’t go around insulting Hermano like that.

Thank you for saying this. I know it took guts.

2 lanes wide, 16 tonnes of American pride, Canyonero-oooo, Canyonero!


*Narrator voice* It was not art

To put into perspective how easy it is to never notice this statue even exists, I’ve also lived in Pittsburgh nearly my entire life, went to Pitt, and almost never notice the 85 foot long dinosaur statue to it.

I agree. That statue is so over the top racist that you can’t really get mad at it. It also encapsulates the history of American popular music. It gets to stay. It’s racist, but it’s also honest.

Bootsy Collins has really let himself go...

We sang My Old Kentucky Home in glee club in N.J. in the 19490'-1950's. We had no idea what a darkie was. None. I guess we thought it was a blackbird of some kind. Little kids don’t ask. It was just a pleasant melody you could harmonize. Embarrassment came later.

Everybody loves chorizo.

Real tweet from our president:

In unrelated news, Trump just used a demonstrably false story to suggest we should be shooting Muslims with bullets dipped in pig’s blood.

In 225 years, if you are remembered at all, the morally enlightened people of 2343 will undoubtedly think you, me and everybody else were pieces of shit. Or maybe they will have evolved enough to recognize the exceptional things we did in times much more difficult than their own.

My father was a retail butcher for 35 years. A few years ago he bought one of these pull through sharpeners and absolutely loves it and tells me about it everytime I go home. “You gotta get one of these. They’re so good!”