Trick question! These photos are all the same photo. NICE TRY.
Trick question! These photos are all the same photo. NICE TRY.
Remember when all the LGBTQ people seceded from the United States, declared war on America, then got their asses kicked and surrendered?
Wife and I were hauling a queen sized bed set on the roof of our Oldsmobile right after we moved to PA. It was night, we had the hazards going, both our phones plugged in, and radio on. Electrical system couldn’t handle it and fried the pigtail off the positive battery terminal. We ended up stuck in the middle of the…
“the same people that are demanding that the Confederate flag comes down are the same people that are insisting that the rainbow flag goes up.”
Remember when all the LGBTQ people seceded from the United States, declared war on America, then got their asses kicked and surrendered?
But you know what’s really interesting and really incredible irony here is the same people that are demanding that the Confederate flag comes down are the same people that are insisting that the rainbow flag goes up. These two flags represent the exact same thing.
Yes we all remember the “Fabulous Civil War”. one thinks that. This was an easy one. It was so easy to do and say the right thing on this. Unfortunately this bumbling fucking idiot of a president literally cannot do anything right, so it probably seems Like no matter what he says it’s wrong. He’s just that fucking terrible.
“No, no, sir! They’re saying “Boooo-urns!”
I have no interest in her music but that testimony gave me the chills. So awesome!
I also didn’t care for her one way or another, to me she seems really calculating in her self-promotion. This however, has revealed a maturity I would have seriously doubted a month ago. I still won’t be listening to her music, but I’ll scowl less at her People magazine covers in the grocery aisle.
Wait. WAIT. Good Omens on Amazon starring DAVID MOTHERFUCKING TENNANT AS CROWLEY? I had no idea this was remotely on the horizon. I am ready.
If someone didn’t like her before this, her testimony should have won them over. Also, I’ve mentioned this before, but her 1983 concert was AWESOME. So much fun!!
I was neutral on Taylor Swift prior to this lawsuit. I now have a newfound respect for her. She acknowledges she has the privilege and bank account to fight. Her $1 settlement is an enormous win for all of us women who have been sexually assaulted (which sadly, is most women).
There’s no “best album to own on vinyl.” Either you like listening to vinyl, in which case all of the albums available are great and the best one is the one you like best, or you don’t like listening to vinyl, and it doesn’t matter.
There’s no “best album to own on vinyl.” Either you like listening to vinyl, in which case all of the albums…
Bah, found it: Ex Parte Grossman, 267 US 87 (1925) held: criminal contempt held to be within the clause of the constitution conferring power on president to pardon.
Legal nerd question: In most jurisdictions, contempt, even if punitive (and thus held to beyond a reasonable doubt standard), is not considered an actual conviction which can be expunged. Is that the same with this “conviction”?
It’s a Camel Spider. They’re native to the Middle East. My favorite tidbit is the military, which is very used to dealing with them, do not recommend you spray it with bug spray: YOU’LL JUST MAKE IT MAD!