Remember Fox
Remember Fox
“It was like a third-place team going on a 10-game winning streak because you went to play in the Olympics,” says the 53-year-old former sports reporter.
The phrase “nothing burger” is annoying the shit out of me. It just makes me think of a really dry crumbly plain hamburger and it leaves me feeling dissatisfied. Maybe that’s the point? Idk but I hate it.
So, this has nothing to do with anything in DB (apologies in advance), but...I’m quitting drinking. I’ve been thinking about it for a few years, and it’s finally time to pull the plug on it. Nothing crazy has happened, but I’m just tired of my energy being sapped constantly, of bruising too easily, and of not being…
Make sure they have on their “pieces of flair”.
And they could use some nice motivational slogans, like, I dunno, maybe “Work will set you free”
Trains are very fuel efficient. We could use those.
Has anyone reported on the fact that the Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. was being pressured by Preet Baharara over defrauding the US govt of tens of thousands of dollars? You know, the same Preet Baharara that Trump fired within days/weeks of being in the White House?
Steve King is clearly overthinking this. Why not have the people who he claims “haven’t worked in generations” build the wall? There could be some sort of mass transportation system that takes them to some sort of central location where all the workers would be accommodated, and probably cut costs on meals and such.
Are you talking about Henry Ford?
Total War on the Press?
So who’s going to tell her about the election?
In this image, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos side-eye D&G’s shit. Don’t mess with the Fates.
You obviously don’t understand the cyber.
Hahaaa that’s awful.
The story the Trump side is telling right now is “Yes, the Russians contacted Don Jr. and asked him to commit a serious federal crime, and yes he eagerly agreed to do it, and yes, he brought two senior campaign staffers so that we’d all be implicated, but the Russians didn’t play ball, so we didn’t do anything wrong.…