
The Butter Battle Book is the best Dr. Seuss and this is a fact.

screw that, I want Bernie! Bernie 2016!

I’d rather be knocked out by Rousey.

Wtf are you serious? Were you trying to give me a history lessson I don’t need, or denying that the majority of the sorority sisters at the airport were black?? #missedthepoint

My gut reaction was “That’s an absurd theory. No one would inconvenience everyone else just to stick it to some black women”....then I remembered I live in America.

Either Burnenko ran out of recipes or he prefers writing rants not disguised as recipes.

Foodspin lives again! I was getting worried for a bit there.

My guess is any one of these which are gifs I have tagged as jerks:

“I’m just a simple cyborg furby lawyer.”

“IT’S ABOUT ETHICS IN DICK JOURNALISM!” (i’ll show myself out...)

This is an obvious phallacy.

He used to live in the same condo complex as my cousin. He went out running one morning and someone called the cops on him because they didn’t recognize the black man running through their neighborhood.

Right there with you (minus the tech skills)

More and more I am seriously considering turning my STEM ass towards lending a hand beyond just my donations. I work in IT specializing in infrastructure, security and big data. I drive by my local PP daily. Between the videos and this shit, I’m starting to get HULK levels of pissed off.

“Man, things were way better in this country back in 1738.”

I'm Navajo and I loved this show. While I cannot comment on how the Asian community thinks of Dong, I feel pretty strongly about the Native American arc. In the third episode where Mrs. Vorhees parents are introduced, I died. I thought they captured a part of Native Americans that I don't see in media: our sense of