
Feuding with an amusement park, and upset about gun control? Celebs, they really are just like us.


Just googled this image, thanks for posting.

I have a soft spot for women who put up with bad men. Oh, she must be so kind, so patient! But then there's enabling, and Kim, it feels like you're sliding across a line here.

Man, I was having a conversation with a smart, educated lady, and she was saying “Masculinity looks so demanding, it must be so hard.” To which I was basically “Nope! Once you opt out it is super easy to see what BS it all is.” Just sucks that this poor guy was still stuck defending his “Manhood”.

Dude, just back away slowly. You spoke the truth, but in a way that didn’t 100% meet the ideological purity test. You’ll never win, don’t lose sleep over it.

I mean, performance art asshole looks at his life and feels bad about it? I can’t hate on Kirk. Gerry is the true believer.

Sorry, sarcasm. It was one of his more inscrutable tweets.

Well, Lib, who was treated worse? Alphonse Capone or Paul Manafort? Bet you can't answer that one, can you?

God I hate those Brazilian Steak Houses. And don’t even get me started on that Thai place! Why won’t they just serve me chicken tenders, like I deserve!

You always seem to be involved in the weirdest things. I feel like I’m developing a strong association with your profile name, but can never remember if it’s positive or negative.

Lighten up, Francis.

Unless James Gunn hosts, I’m still a pass.

Eh, I’m outta better ideas.

Me, 2013: “Gotta make a bid to keep Ellsbury here. We need that speed! Oh, they’re going to pay him how much... for how long? I mean, do we even think he’ll be able to walk at that age? Yeah, go right ahead, take him. Enjoy that albatross.

Ball-pit of boobs, eh? Sign me up, am I right, fellas..... Oh, oh god, why? Why would you do that?

Doris Kearns Goodwin.... your mission, if you choose to accept it....

Bless you, Sir.


Nope, sorry, not clicking on any of that.